Global Vision Publishing House


VISTAS: Supplementary Reader in English (Core Course): Class 12th

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SKU Goonebook-6
Delivery Time 3-4 days for Delhi NCR & 6-7 days for Rest of India
Medium English
ISBN 81-7450-723-X
Author NCERT
Class 12
Publisher NCERT
Subjects Core Course
Language English
Edition No
Pages 100
Legal Disclaimer Published by : NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016. In case of any complaints please call 011-26562188 or email at


Table of Contents
1. The Third Level Jack Finney
2. The Tiger King Kalki
3. Journey to the end of the Earth Tishani Doshi
4. The Enemy Pearl S. Buck
5. Should Wizard hit Mommy John Updike
6. On the face of It Susan Hill
7. Evans Tries an O-level Colin Dexter
8. Memories of Childhood
9. The Cutting of My Long Hair Zitkala-Sa
10. We Too are Human Beings Bama