Global Vision Publishing House


Marketing Management

Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹435.00.

Author : Pankaj Madan, Amit Mittal, Hemraj Verma
ISBN : 978-93-81695-35-7 
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2015
Pages : 628
Size : 24.5×19
Publisher : Global Academic Publishers & Distributors
Price : INR 450


About  the Book

This book has been primarily written to meet the needs of various students pursuing MBA /PGDBM/PGDM or other Management courses from different Indian universities. Therefore, the contents of the book are lucid & written in a language that is simple yet interesting. Most of the concepts have been explained with appropriate examples, cases & exercises. Though meant for students specifically, this book however, has its content so rich, covering almost every issue related to marketing, that even academicians and practitioners would find it extremely useful & would benefit immensely by using it as a reference book.

The key distinctive features of this book have been mentioned below:

  • A special last section has been devoted to cover modern day issues of marketing such as Green Marketing, Rural Marketing and Health Marketing etc. Though, one may find these in other books also but not in a detail as discussed in this book with real life examples.
  •  One the USP of this book is inclusion of a large number of latest Indian cases given at the end of every chapter. Readers would find these particularly interesting & hence may enhance their clarity & understanding of various marketing concepts.
  • A Variety of exercises followed by every chapter includes True-False, Multiple Choice, Short answer and Long answer questions. Readers would surely find these exercises challenging & tantalizing enough to test & stimulate their mental faculties.
  • Though, due care has been taken to eliminate all possible errors from the book. However, given the fact that it is first edition, therefore it is not practically possible to create a perfect marketing book. We therefore, request all user to kindly please let us know of any errors, omissions and shortcomings still left. We will be more than happy to have your suggestions and comments for making future editions better and more beneficial to our readers.
  • About the AuthorsDr. Pankaj Madan is a multidisciplinary academician with degrees in Production Engineering, Management and Web Technology. He is a Practicing Professor and Corporate Trainer of international repute and is presently Director, COER School of Management, College of Engineering, Rookee. In the past, Dr. Madan worked for a long time at Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar at various positions and before turning to academia he had worked with two reputed Engineering Companies. He has also taught at University of Southern Queensland in Dubai as an Asst. Professor and as a Visiting Professor at Shaoxing University, China and CENTRUM Catolica, the Business Centre of the Pontifician Universidad Catolica del Peru. Dr. Madan is a consultant registered with Quality Council of India and imparts corporate trainings and consultancy on Quality Management and Career Planning. He has already authored 6 books and conducted more than 500 workshops and trainings and also contributed research papers to many national and international journals. He is associated with 15 universities nationally and internationally for various academic purposes and has professional links with many corporate bodies.Dr. Amit Mittal is a Ph.D (Management Sciences) & MBA. He is currently the Dean, Faculty of Management, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana-Ambala (Haryana), He is a faculty of retail management, business research & marketing, India. He has a blend of academic and corporate experience including a 5 years stint at Bajaj Electricals Ltd. in Mumbai/Goa. He presently has over 35 publications in international / national refereed journals, conference proceedings, monographs, case studies & book chapters. He also has/had editorial appointments with various national publications including MM University Journal of Management Practices, MD University’s IMSAR Genesis and NSB Management Review. He has been actively involved in designing a retailing course for IGNOU’s distance learning programs. He is also on the article review panel of Global Journal of Business Management & MAIMT Journal of IT & Management. He was earlier invited by the Pittsburg State University, Kansas, USA to attend the inaugural international summer faculty program. He has conducted training sessions at NTPC, Apollo, Ambuja Cements, Bajaj Electricals, Kiwani’s (Kansas, USA) & Morning Rotary (Kansas, USA). His recent research articles appeared in The IBSU Journal of Scientific Research (Georgia, Europe;, International Journal of IT & KM (New Delhi), AIMA Journal of Management Research (New Delhi), Review of Professional Management (New Delhi), BVIMR Management Edge (New Delhi- Available on CII policy database), Political Economy Journal of India, Pragyaan etc. His areas of research are store choice, retail strategy, store loyalty, private labels, celebrity endorsements and service failure/recovery.Hemraj Verma  is working as Asstt. Professor (Marketing) in the Department of Management Studies in DIT, Dehradun (Uttarakhand). He has 8 years teaching and research experience. Currently, he is pursuing Ph.D. in Retailing.  He had done M. Phil in Management in 2008 and had done MBA in Marketing from C.C.S. University Meerut in 2001. Till now, his seven research papers have been published various journals of National repute. He has also presented several papers at national and international conferences and attended various faculty development programmes.