Global Vision Publishing House


Manual of Life Skills Key to Excel

Original price was: ₹795.00.Current price is: ₹750.00.

Author : Dr. Alka Seth and Prof. Novrattan Sharma
ISBN : 9789390423354
Edition : 1st
Year : 2025
Pages : 88
Size : 14.5×21.5cm
Weight :
Price :795
Publishers : Global Vision Publishing House


About the Book

Life Skills refer to a set of abilities that comprise of combination of knowledge, behaviour, attitude, value system and designate the procurement of definite skills. Life skills are different from skills of earning, which are concerned with occupational and vocational skills. These skills assist in doing things positively or to reach a goal and attain certain behaviours. The strength of behaviour acquired depends upon the depth of the skills acquired by an individual.

Present Book is a manual of LIFE SKILLS to assist children and adolescents to achieve their BEST POSSIBLE SELFIt includes different skills, session counts, duration and modality of delivering the skills. This manual includes twenty sessions in total and fourteen activities for delivering all ten skills while using different modalities. After each session, home assignment is assigned and in subsequent session, it is monitored and necessary corrective actions are suggested and guided. Based on participative approach, different sessions adopt continuous feedback to make them more interactive and effective.

Program effectiveness depends upon the techniques used in it and it ensures the impact of program on target group. In this manual, different activities with the help of various techniques such as role play, group discussion, brain storming, questionnaire, case study have been organized. This manual is a planned and comprehensive program, targeting holistic development of adolescents. It can be used by psychologists, counsellors, teachers and mental health professionals in schools and in other settings.

Life skill education or life skill intervention is such an approach, which boosts overall well-being of people. It is an important key, through which self -esteem, mental balance, happiness, social interaction can be promoted, which are the crucial components of well-being. These skills make children and adolescents competent, to develop healthy and supportive relationships, to become responsible individuals, to create a power of self-realizationand to support others at the time of adversity.

About the Authors

Alka Seth is working as an assistant professor of psychology at C.R.S.University, Jind.  With a teaching and research experience of eight years, Dr.Alka has experience in field of Counsellingas she has actively involved herself in counselling of students. She has contributed articles to various journals and books of national and International repute. For gaining academic excellence, she travelled nationally and internationally and attended and participated in conferences, workshops, seminars and symposium. She is the recipient of Prof.Sultan Akhtar Award (2015) for contributing in field of “Character Education” by Indian Academy of Applied Psychology and got best research paper award in International conference organized by International School Psychology Association, 2018. At present, she is also the convenor of Guidance and Counselling Cell of University and associated with NCERT to counsel students having various Issues. She is a life skills trainer and organizing programs, workshops on life skills in different institutions. Her broader areas of interest are guidance and counselling, positive psychology and Intervention programs. She is the life member of International Portage Association and Indian Academy of Applied Psychology.

Nov Rattan Sharma is working as a Professor of Psychology and Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at M.D. University, Rohtak. With a teaching and research experience of more than 37 years, Professor Sharma has contributed research articles to various journals and books of national and International repute. He has edited ten books with a variety of applied research areas. More than 30 research scholars have successfully completed their doctoral thesis under his supervision. He is the recipient of many prestigious awards like Prof. (Mrs.) Manju Thakur Memorial award; Prof. (Mrs.) Anima Sen Award; Best psychologist Award; UgadiPuraskaram State Award, Best Citizen Gold Award and International School Psychology Association(InSPA) Decennial Certificate of Appreciation (2009-2019).Prof. Nov Rattan Sharma is the life member of thirteen academic and professional bodies. At present, he is the secretary of Indian academy of Applied Psychology. His broader areas of interests are Indian Psychology, Positive psychology and Personality. Prof. Sharma is the editor of Indian journal of Health psychology since its inception. He has a vast experience as more than hundred seminars, conferences, workshops are to his credit.


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