Global Vision Publishing House


Management Information System

Original price was: ₹295.00.Current price is: ₹285.00.

Author : Gagan Varshney, Pankaj Madan & Avdhesh Gupta
ISBN : 978-93-81695-76-0
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2015
Pages : 352
Size : 24.5×18Cm
Publisher : Global Academic Publishers & Distributors
Price : INR 295


About the book

In today’s technical era, there is a growing need of good book for all those interested in pursuing career in IT and information system and to understand the way it is used to provide information for various functions in business. The main objective of the present book is to examine and explain the following issues:

  • The nature of information, its role and use in planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling a business organization.
  •  The impact of IT on end-user working in business.
  • The way information is organized, stored and processed by the use of IT in the present managerial scenario.
  • The impact of Computer Networks and the Internet on business.
  • The level of managerial decision-making and how Information System supports decision-making process at each level.
  • The development process of Information System for various business operations and Control and security issues for Information System.

A number of cases are given at the end of the book, on different issues covered in different chapters, so as to introduce business problems and to discuss and understand the various stages of the systems development process.

About the Authors

Dr. Gagan Varshney obtained MCA from Jiwaji University, Gwalior (MP) in 1997, P.hD. from GKU, Haridwar in 2008. He has an experience of more than 12 years in teaching. He is presently working as a Professor & HOD, MCA department & also working as Dean Students Welfare in IMS group of society, Ghaziabad (UP) which is very renowned Engineering College of North India, affiliated to UP Technical University, Lucknow (UP). He has contributed research papers to many national and international journals. He has achieved Best Teacher Award (6 Times) in COER, Roorkee (UP). He has guided one Ph.D. research scholar, more than 20 M.Tech Thesis and more than 50 MCA projects.

Dr. Pankaj Madan is a multidisciplinary academician with degrees in Production Engineering, Management and Web Technology. He is a Practicing Professor and Corporate Trainer of international repute and is presently Director, COER School of Management, College of Engineering, Rookee. In the past, Dr. Madan worked for a long time at Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar at various positions and before turning to academia he had worked with two reputed Engineering Companies. He has also taught at University of Southern Queensland in Dubai as an Asst. Professor and as a Visiting Professor at Shaoxing University, China and CENTRUM Catolica, the Business Centre of the Pontifician Universidad Catolica del Peru. Dr. Madan is a consultant registered with Quality Council of India and imparts corporate trainings and consultancy on Quality Management and Career Planning. He has already authored 6 books and conducted more than 500 workshops and trainings and also contributed research papers to many national and international journals. He is associated with 15 universities nationally and internationally for various academic purposes and has professional links with many corporate bodies.

Mr. Avdhesh Gupta is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Applications, IFTM, Moradabad. He has over eleven years experience in teaching and Industry. He has the degree of MBA and MCA. He is enrolled as Ph.D. Scholar in Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidayala, Haridwar. His area of interest is Computer Network, M-Commerce and Database. He has also written several books also. He has written several research papers also.


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