Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 7 No. 1, September, 2012)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The present issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology includes sixteen research articles and a book review. All the articles are empirical and related to psychosocial aspects of health.
The first article by Kannappan explores the beneficial effects of meditation with autosuggestion for thought control and spirituality in depressed female patients. The next article also deals with benefits of meditation, Pal and Narahari conducted the study to the effect of meditation on EQ of software professionals and reported that there is a significant improvement in EQ of software professionals after the intervention of meditation. Nilesh Thakre and Khubalkar found that organizational practices and type of work are associated with health of the employees, thus proper attention should be given to employee’s health issues. The next article enlisted examined psychosocial impact of the disease among the patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and their care takers. The following study enlisted in the current issue by Bhattacharya explored the physical and psychological problems as perceived by the elderly living in old age homes or with families. The next article in the list examined quality of life (QOL) in rural settings and reported ecological change as one of the major determinants of QOL. Along with it educational status, size of land holding and number of earning members significantly contributed to QOL. They also observed that changes related to development process definitely lead to a better QOL. Vertika Singh and P.C. Mishra in their research article aimed to find out the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction of police personnel. Pushpa Mishra and Rupam Singh’s article explores the impact of positive and negative affects on coping strategies used by adolescents in dealing with stress. Results point out that positive affect leads to effective but somewhat different coping behaviour in boys and girls whereas, negative affect predicted coping only in girls thereby suggesting a role of socialization practices. The next article by Padhri and Padhy aimed to assess, and compare the health locus of control among diabetics who were below the age of 50 years with those above the age of 55. The next investigation in the present issue examine thantaphobia (death anxiety) as related to religiosity in elderly women and the investigators observed that as the level of religiosity increases death anxiety decreases. The next article enlisted studied home environment, academic anxiety and happiness of adolescents. Kirmani and Khan in their article elaborated upon the effectiveness of Time-Out, a behavioural intervention technique, in dealing with destructive behaviour of children and special population. The next article explored the relation between Psycap and employees’ wellness. M. Ghufran and Z. Qamar aimed to study the impact of domestic violence on Self-concept, Temperament, Anxiety, dependence-Independence and Adjustment of adolescent girls. R. Ganesan studied the effectiveness of Brief Behaviour Technology Module in management of acute examination phobia. A book review by G. Venkatesh Kumar on biopsychosocial issues in positive health has been included In this issue.
Editors are grateful to all the investigators/authors of the research articles, referees and book reviewer for their valuable inputs.


Editorial (iii)
1 Meditation with Autosuggestion for Thought Control and Spirituality in Depressed Female Patients 1
R. Kannappan
2 Emotional Quotient of Software Professionals Before and After Meditation  9
A. A. Pal and Remyashilpa. B. Narahari 
3 Health and Organizational Commitment in Retail and BPO-IT Sector 15
Nilesh Thakre and R.V.  Khubalkar
4 Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and their Carers: Measuring the Extent of Disability and Family Burden 27
Prakashi Rajaram, Nalini A. and Priya Treesa Thomas
5 Physical and Psychological Problem, Residential Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction – A Study on Elderly 39
Swaha Bhattacharya
6 Quality of Life in the Rural Settings: A Psychological Analysis 49
P.S.N. Tiwari and A.B. Singh
7 Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Life Satisfaction of Police Personnel in Uttar Pradesh 61
Vertika Singh and P.C. Mishra
8 Positive Affect: A Key factor in Coping 71
Pushpa Misra and Rupam Singh
9 Health Locus of Control in Diabetics 79
Ruth Angiel Padiri and Meera Padhy
10 Thantaphobia (Death Anxiety) as Related to Religiosity: A Case of Elderly Women 89
Sonam Dullat and Sangeeta Trama
11 Stress Among Pain and Palliative Care Cancer Patients 99
A. Velayudhan and S. Gayatridevi
12 Home Environment, Academic Anxiety and Happiness Among Adolescents 107
Pooja Sangwan and Madhu Anand
13 Time Out: A Behavioural Intervention Approach 115
Mustafa Nadeem Kirmani  and Shamsur Rehman Khan
14 Psychological Capital (Psycap) in Relation to Employees’ Wellness 123
Kaveri Chauhan and NovRattan Sharma
15 Self-concept, Temperament, Anxiety, Dependence-Independence and Adjustment of Adolescent Girls Witnessing Domestic Violence 135
Mohammad Ghufran and Zeba Qamar
16 Management of Acute Examination Phobia with Brief Behaviour Technology 143
Rajesh Ganesan