Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 5 No. 2, March, 2011)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The present issue of the Journal of Health Psychology has eleven papers including one short communication. The ten research articles deal with variety of health domains like physical, psychological, social and spiritual.
The first article highlights the importance of physical exercise on health consciousness. Next paper attempts to investigate the role of emotional intelligence and perceived parental support in happiness among young adults. Results revealed that both emotional intelligence and perceived parental support correlate positively with happiness. Meena Hariharan and Usha Chivukula in their paper attempted to find out the gap between the care claimed to have been provided by the paramedical staff and the actual care received as reported by the patients and the family members. The paper also emphasized upon filling this gap by standardizing the intensive care unit practices using bio-psychosocial approach. The next article aims to study the effect of emotional and spiritual intelligence on psychological well-being among yoga practitioners. A study conducted to investigate the effect of meditation on depression, emotional quotient and locus of control among software professionals reported that practicing meditation lowers depression level and increases emotional quotient and internal locus of control. The next article enlisted examined marital adjustment of female partners of dual carrier couples as a function of personality and menstrual status. Amrita Deb and Meenakshi Arora studied resilience and mental health in adolescents preparing for competitive exams like engineering and medical entrance. Priti, Amrita Yadava and NovRattan Sharma studied the factor structure of values-in-action in non diseased and diseased (arthritis and diabetics) respondents and reported a qualitative difference across the two groups. N. Hasnain, Samina Bano and Sana Asif Siddique compared institutionalized and non institutionalized aged people on death anxiety and well being. The next empirical study explored the oral health related quality of life in elderly with and without dentures. The last contribution placed under the category of short communication dwells upon the idea of using Art as way to improve one’s health and well-being.
All the articles are scholarly and empirical. The present issue also includes book review(s). Editors express gratitude to all the contributors for their valuable inputs. We hope the articles will provide direction for young researchers. The members of the editorial board are of the view that sensitization of the readers towards health issues would go a long way in paving the path towards a more healthy society.


1 Effect of Physical Exercise on Health Consciousness 1
N.V.V.S. Narayana
2 Role of Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Parental Support in Happiness among Young Adults 15
Hardeep Lal Joshi & Narender
3 Patient Care in Intensive Care Units (ICUs): Biopsychosocial Assessment 25
Meena Hariharan & Usha Chivukula
4 Effect of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence on Psychological well being in Long Term Yoga Practitioners 37
Uma Mittal & Safia Akhtar
5 Depression, Emotional Quotient and Locus of Control of Software Professionals Before and After Meditation 51
Ramyashilpa, B. Narahari & A.A. Pal
6 Marital Adjustment of the Female Partners of Dual Career Couples as a Function of Personality Dimensions and Menstrual Status 59
Praveena Tiwari & B. Hasan
7 Resilience and Mental Health: A Study on Adolescents in Varanasi 69
Amrita Deb & Meenakshi Arora
8 Factor Structure of Values-in-Action (VIA) in Diseased and Non-diseased Adults 81
Priti, Amrita Yadava & NovRattan Sharma
9 Death Anxiety and Well-Being among Old Age People 91
N. Hasnain, Samina Bano and Sana Asif Siddiqui
10 Impact of Oral Health related Quality of Life in Elderly with and without Dentures 97
Punam Midha & Sonia Malik
Short Communication
11 Art – The Way to Health and Well being 105
Nanika Singh