Global Vision Publishing House


Grace of God and Guru in Sikh Philosophy

Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹350.00.

Author : S.P. Sondhi
ISBN : 81-87746-17-3
Edition : 1st
Year : 2002
Size : 7×4
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 400


About the Book

This title is an analytical study of important terms for the grace of God and guru in Sikh philosophy like- nadar, karam, mihar and bakhsis refer in the Adi Granth and other Sikh scriptures. It is clearly said in the Adi Granth that God is known with the help of guru. Throught, this scripture, the grace of guru is regarded as an important prerequisite for obtaining a vision of God. It is this which sets the individual on the road to the consummation of his destiny as union with God. The relation between the grace of god and the grace of guru, the point may be safely made is that the grace of guru serves as the vehicle of God.

About the Author

S.P. Sondhi (born in 1961) has done M.A. and M. Phil. (Philosophy) from Punjabi University, Patiala. Presently, he is doing Ph.D. in Chicago University, Chicago on “Concept of grace in Sikh and Christion theology”. He has also produced number of research papers published in journal of international repute.