Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 7 No. 1, June, 2013)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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First of all let me thank you all for such a huge response in terms of research contributions received for June Issue of GJBM 2013. We are sorry for the delay in coming out with this issue as a large number of research papers were to be reviewed and to select best few out was indeed a difficult task. Nevertheless, we are excited to come out finally with really good papers that we are sure will be found relevant by academicians and practitioners alike.
The first paper, authored by Prof. Mamta, describes the increased complexity in the Indian Apparel industry in the backdrop of Indian textile industry. She has conducted an extensive literature review and applied Porter’s Diamond of Competitive Advantage model to identify major strengths, weakness, threats and opportunities (SWOT) for Indian apparel retail industry. The second paper is a comparative study of customer satisfaction in public and private sector banks in India. Using SERVQUAL model developed by Zeithamal, Parsuraman and Berry (1988). It brings out the current state of satisfaction levels of customers of two key banking players such as PNB and HDFC. As expected, Authors found that customer’s of HDFC bank were much more satisfied than customers of PNB.
Next paper is an international paper that throws light on factors affecting adoption of Innovation in the context of Mango Value Chain in Kenya. Though empirical verification, it has revealed a strong positive association between Training and adoption of Innovation. The theme of our next paper is “Relevance of Work-life balance”. In today’s world of intense work pressure, most of working population breaks under the burden of personal and professional life. Therefore, this paper appears to be relevant in today’s context. It re-emphasizes the need to balance work and life as there is a strong empirical evidence to show that there exist a positive correlation between employee performance and the state of their work-life balance. Next paper is on consumer preferences in purchase of ready to eat snacks-branded potato chips. It elaborates about the ever growing size of branded chips and other snacks and reveals that people consume these items more for passing time and for their taste rather than pacifying hunger. People are also conscious of price and availability issues and have a liking for snacks that provides variety.
Our last paper provides insights into consumer preferences towards frozen food products by highlighting recent trends on their consumption, pricing, challenges and future growth potential in India. Using focus group and subsequent regression and cluster analysis, this paper finds how people in India have started preferring branded frozen vegetables and fruits in all frozen food categories for its sheer value in terms of perceived quality and convenience.


Editorial iii
1 The Future of Apparel Retailing in India  1
Mamta Gupta 
2 Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction in Public and Private Sector Banks in India (A Case Study of Meerut Region of U.P.)  15
Vijay Prakash Gupta and P.K. Agarwal 
3  Training as a Factor Influencing Adoption of Innovations Along Mango Value Chains in Meru County, Kenya  27
Isaiah GitongaImaita 
4 Impact of Work-Life Balance on Performance of Employees in the Organisations  39
Parkash Vir Khatri and Jyoti Behl 
5 Consumer Preferences in Purchase of Ready to Eat Snacks-Branded Potato Chips  49
Dean Martin C. and Baby Joseph 
6 Frozen Food Industry in India: A Market Study  59
Rashmi Khatri 


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