Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 6 No. 1, June, 2012)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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It gives us immense pleasure to have June 2012 issue of GJBM published and we owe it all to our dear academicians and scholars, whose relentless faith in us has been a great encouragement throughout. GJBM is an internationally renowned Journal that maintains highest ethical and technical standards of the manuscript review. All research papers submitted for publication in GJBM are thoroughly screened and selected after review. The current issue of GJBM brings forth diverse set of contemporary issues that are pertinent not only to academia and industry but for the society as well. The current volume touches upon some of the latest research issues in management and its related fields. In total, 10 papers covering various functional areas of management have been selected in this issue.
The first paper Green Water Management authored by N. Santosh Ranganath and G. Tulasi Rao throws light on emergence of green water as a vital piece in the sustainable growth strategy for individual enterprises and entire economies. The second paper Product-centric Approach authored by P.V Khatri and Richa Joshi aims to find the solution for the right approach in product-centric vs. customer-centric marketing. The third paper M-commerce based 2-G and 3-G Personalised Services for Users authored by Gagan Varshney tries to find out how 2-G and 3-G personalised services attract more customers. The fourth paper Innovation in Management Education authored by Abhishek Raizada and S.K. Verma analyses the different innovative learning methodologies used in management education and its impact on shaping the future management executives. The fifth paper Corporate Governance authored by Ekta Wadhwa and Anita Arora helps to gain familiarity with the phenomena of corporate governance and further shows that corporate governance enhances global competitiveness of a company. Next research paper Analysis of Merger Acquisition in India authored by Julius Miroga Bichanga and Robert Omundi Obuba examines acquisition in India and the effect of merger/acquisition techniques on merger corporate performance. The seventh paper Impact of Modernisation and the Resultant Change as Perceived by the Employees of Public Sector Organisations authored by Swaha Bhattacharya studies the impact of modernisation, and the resultant change as perceived by the employees of two public sector organisations in Kolkata. The eighth paper Independent Directors: Role, Responsibility and Liability authored by Jagbir Singh Kadyan and Suman Kadyan discusses the crucial role of independent directors in order to protect and nurture investors and shareholders of an organisation and their prominent responsibilities and liabilities. The ninth paper Al Rajhi Bank, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia authored by Vijayesh Kumar gives an insight about the Islamic banking system and its financial performance. The final paper Passenger Cars: Challenges to NCR authored by Rahul Chandra and Sushil Kr. Dixit attempts to find the probable consequences and possible solution for problems of traffic, pollution, and parking, particularly in the NCR region.
This issue, thus, reflects a keen interest and sustained efforts of academicians and professionals who have covered such diverse themes of contemporary and future relevance. In the end, we would say that there are lots of takeaways in this issue which readers would surely find interesting to savour.


Editorial iii
1 Green Water Management: A Key Driver for Socio-Economic Development  1
N. Santosh Ranganath and G. Tulasi Rao
2 Product-centric Approach: A Critical Analysis 11
P.V Khatri and Richa Joshi
3 M-commerce based 2-G and 3-G Personalised Services for Users: Empirical Study 21
Gagan Varshney
4 Innovation in Mangement Education: A Necessity or Choice 29
Abhishek Raizada and S.K. Verma
5 Corporate Governance: Source of Global Competitiveness 39
Ekta Wadhwa and Anita Arora
6 Analysis of Merger Acquisition in India  47
Julius Miroga Bichanga and Robert Omundi Obuba
7 Impact of Modernisation and the Resultant Change as Perceived by the Employees of Public Sector Organisations 53
Swaha Bhattacharya
8 Independent Directors: Role, Responsibility and Liability 61
Jagbir Singh Kadyan and Suman Kadyan
9 Al Rajhi Bank, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Case of Islamic Banking 71
Vijayesh Kumar
10 Passenger Cars: Challenges to NCR 79
Rahul Chandra and Sushil Kr. Dixit