Global Vision Publishing House


Global Encyclopaedia of Evolutionary and Molecular Biology

Original price was: ₹3,600.00.Current price is: ₹3,500.00.

Author : Sweta Sharma
ISBN : 978-81-8220-672-4
Edition : 1st
Year : 2015
Size : 24.5×19
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 3,600.00


About the Book

This edition incorporates 133 entries in Encyclopaedia of Evolutionary and Molecular Biology that reflect the ever greater breadth and depth of evolutionary science by providing expanded treatment of many topics and by emphasizing the new intellectual and molecular perspectives that have revolutionized evolutionary biology in the last few decades. Equally significant, the Encyclopaedia has been made more accessible to student readers by a more expansive style of presentation and by extended examples that convey not only the evidence for hypotheses, but also the ways in which evolutionary hypotheses are framed and tested.

About the Author

Sweta Sharma received her Bachelors degree from Pune University, India and Masters degree from the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) University, New Delhi, India. After earning her Masters degree, she worked as a Project Fellow in the Population Biology Lab at IISER, Pune for a year where she worked on in-silico investigations of controlling complex dynamics of an ecological system by introducing small perturbation schemes. She also used laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster for empirical verification of her theoretical models. Presently, she is working as assistant professor of microbiology in  VIT,  Pune.