Global Vision Publishing House


Consumer Behaviour

Original price was: ₹950.00.Current price is: ₹900.00.

Author : Arati Sharma and Atul Sharma
ISBN : 978-93-86603-15-9
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2018
Pages : 198
Size : 14×21 Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 950


About the Book

The main thrust of this edition is to integrate survival and greed with the impulse to possess and impulse buying. The issue around which it is discussed is essentially psychological taking gender differences, impulse, and self-perception under social construction model of material possessions as aspects of consumer behaviour. Compulsive shopping habits are explained in this edition. This book introduces the latest and most valuable studies that convincingly tell us how goods and their possession have developed into important symbols of identity and gender bias. Impulse buying has been of theoretical and practical significance to economics, consumer behaviour and psychology. Consequently, economic and psychological explanations of impulse buying have been attempted. This edition will be of immense important to those who are engaged in study and research in psychology and management.

About the Authors

Arati Sharma is senior research fellow of Psychology (Patna University), Patna. Presently, she is doing research under Commonwealth Fellowship in London. During her research she has firsthand experience on different psychological aspects which need to be focused. However within a very short span of time she became an expert in solving complex problems in the areas of depression, strategic short term psychotherapy and clinical applications of hypnosis. Her research works are based on practical case studies. She is aware of all modern developments in the scientific methods of psychoanalysis and her approach is practical and educative.

Atul Sharma did his M.A. in Political Science and MBA from Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur. He is having 15 years experience as a Senior Manager in a multinational company in Mumbai and Bangalore. He has presented papers in National and International Seminars and published paper in national and international journals. Presently he is teaching in IMS College, Dehradun. His work is focused upon the humanistic orientation in Business Management.


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