Global Vision Publishing House


China’s Energy Policy and International Security

Original price was: ₹980.00.Current price is: ₹950.00.

Author : S.N. Yadav
ISBN : 978-81-8220-947-3
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2018
Pages : 210
Size : 14×21 Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 980


About the Book

This edition critically examines the recent behaviour of Chinese foreign policy in the context of its net impact on international security. Major areas of study covered in this edition include, energy security and its linkages with the Chinese economy and foreign policy, case studies of China-Kazhak, China-Japan and China-Venezuela energy relations and area studies of Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. The author is fully convinced that this work would be an indispensable source of information and knowledge on China’s energy policy and international security. This edition is the original, comprehensive and critical investigation of the various issues associated with the Chinese energy policy and international security.

About the Author

Dr. S. N. Yadav is India’s leading specialist on energy security, environmental sustainability and foreign policy, with a particular focus on Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, Middle East and China. He has also presented numerous approach papers on energy security and foreign policy of China and India vis-a-vis Africa, Central Asia and Latin America. The author visited Portugal (Europe) in 2001 and Uganda (Africa) in 1999 and 2000 for undertaking academic and research assignments. He has written over a dozen of books. The author was nominated for the Chinese government fellowship, a joint research programme by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (Government of India)  and the Government of the People’s Republic of China in the year 2001.