About the Book
In the present study we have tried to explore the tribal ways of knowing and believing that is distinct from the ways others do know through available epistemological theories. This work attempts to defend the idea of a tribal epistemology congenial to tribal world-view and antagonistic to foundationalism. Of course, much is talked about tribal culture and tribal worldviews in anthropology and sociology; hardly, we find a philosophical account of tribal ways of knowing and believing. A study of tribal culture is almost impossible without investigating into the legends, myths, creation stories, folklores and folktales of the tribe. The same is true of tribal epistemology in so far as tribal epistemology is in accordance with or consistent to tribal world-view and tribal culture. Thus, stories, folklores, investigation into the role of tribal myths, creation of folktales and poetry is to made in the process of our investigation into tribal epistemology and tribal world-view.
About the Author
Dr. Shewli Dutta, MA (Philosophy) and PhD. from Ranchi University, is a noted scholar of tribal life and culture. Her area of research is tribal world-view and tribal culture. Dr. Dutta works as senior lecturer in D.A.V. Mahila College, Katrasgarh, Jharkhand. He has published more than 10 research papers in the journal of national repute and participated in several Conferences, Seminar and Workshop.
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