Global Vision Publishing House


The New Farm Act and Farmers Protest Changes and Challenges

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Author : Dr. N.K. Singh
ISBN : 978-93-90423-45-3
Price : 1200
Edition : 1st
Year : 2022
Pages : 180
Size : 14.5×21.5cm
Weight : 450
Publishers : Global Vision Publishing House


About the Book

As Indians break into 2021 with the fervent hope that it will be different from last year’s devastating pandemic and farmer protest, many thousands farmers have gathered peacefully at the doorsteps of the nation’s capital,  demanding that the government repeal the recently formulated agriculture related laws and make MSP as law. There is a lot of noise on who is right and who is wrong. But this protest would challenge us to rethink, not as researchers or academics or even as policy makes, but as consumers of food that farmers grow. The question we need to ask is why does the food that we consume need to be subsidised? Why are farmers, not just the one camping in the bitter cold at the capital’s borders, but also the voiceless silent majority, demanding price support? Are they unproductive and lazy? These are some of the important issues that have been vividly explained in this book. The author has taken help from all sources of information and compiled the data with proper explanation in a very lucrative way.

About the Authors

Dr. N.K. Singh, 30 year research experience of Oriental Religion and Philosophy, has written several books on religion, philosophy and its allied subject. He has done Ph.D. for Patna University, Patna. His works especially on oriental studies initiated considerable interest on Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, carrying high appreciation from scholars of Buddhist and Islamic countries. Presently, he is the Director of International Centre for Religious Studies, Delhi and Chief Editor of Global Religious Vision: a quarterly Research Journal since 1999. He established publishing house known as Global Vision Publishing House in 2000 for promoting research culture among Indian youth.



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