Global Vision Publishing House


Technicalities of Health Insurance Underwriting, Actuarials, Reinsurance, TPA and Claims

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Author : Harish Sihare and S.D Gupta
ISBN : 978-81-8220-492-8
Edition : 1st
Year : 2012
Pages : 224
Size : 24.5×19
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 1800


About the Book

Health insurance is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Indian insurance industry. A sincere attempt has been made in this book keeping the learners in mind to provide a detailed overview of Indian as well as developed countries’ health insurance industry.  Emphasis has been given on making elaborated explanations to the important topics and several charts, graphs and tables are provided for the better understanding of the subject. This book has been divided into eleven chapters and covers- Introduction to health insurance; health insurance in India; international perspective of health insurance; legal aspects of health insurance; underwriting and actuarial science in health insurance; reinsurance; claims management; third party administrator and the opportunities and challenges in health insurance system of India.

About the Authors

Prof Harish Sihare  Ph.D. in Management, MBA from JIM Lucknow and Post graduate Diploma in insurance and risk management, is presently working as faculty in Institute of Health Management and Research, Jaipur. Prof Sihare possesses a world view of interdisciplinary education.  His vision of intellectual life is universalistic and integrated, and that is reflected in his prolific writings and numerous speeches and interventions in academic meets. Prof Sihare, has total 10 years of experience with India’s leading Corporate Houses such as HDFC, Bajaj, and ICICI in addition to teaching, training and consultancy in the realm of management with specific focus on healthcare financing, financial management, life and general insurance, micro health insurance and managed care.He has several international publications to his credit in the area of financial management, micro health insurance and managed care and Health Care Financing.

Dr. S.D Gupta, is working as Director, Institute of Health Management and Research, Jaipur. He is a public health professional with a distinguished academic and research career.  He obtained his M.D. (Preventive & Social Medicine) from India, and Ph.D. (Epidemiology) from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.  He was conferred Fellowship of Academy of Medical Science, India (FAMS) on him for his outstanding contribution in the field of public health.  He has done pioneering work of creating and establishing new discipline of health management, and promoting research in health policy, health systems and programme management. He is Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for District Health Systems at IIHMR facilitating management research and interventions in the health systems in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of health care. Dr. Gupta has served as Temporary Advisor to SEARO WHO on several consultation processes. He is also the Secretary General of WHO’s South East Asia Public Health Education Network (SEAPHEIN). His areas of research is public health and epidemiology, population, reproductive health and nutrition, health systems and management in the health sector. Dr. Gupta is the recipient of QIMPRO Gold Standard Award 2009 for Healthcare. 


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