Global Vision Publishing House


Tagore’s Philosophy of Education: It’s Relevance to Contemporary Education

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Author : Dr. Noorjehan N. Ganihar Dr. B. B. Policepatil
ISBN : 9789388612906
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2019
Pages : 232
Size : 18.5×14 Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 1,150.00INR 1,150.00


About Book

Rabindranath Tagore was one of the practical innovators of modern Indian educational system. The last forty years of his life, he was content to be a school-master in humble rural surroundings of West Bengal where he had achieved international fame for his educational and poetic contribution. He was one of the first Indian to think out for himself and put in practical principles of education which have now become common place of educational theory, if not yet of practice. This edition has traced the influence of Tagore on the development of personality, learning habits, development of knowledge through concentration, and development of physical health etc. His views of educational ideas have a great impact on educational theory and practice. The views and ideas of Tagore drawn in this edition is useful for our contemporary educational system, although its aim of education may not be indoctrination, but the development of power to form social judgments may establish the true spirit and temper of democracy. 

About Authors

Noorjehan N. Ganihar is working in Karnatak University, Dharwad since 1986. Presently she is a Professor, Post-graduate Department of Education; Dean, Faculty of Education, Karnatak University, Dharwad; Director of UGC Sponsored Dr. Zakir Husain Studies Centre; Co-ordinator of Karnataka State Open University, Mysore and Academic Council member of Karnatak University, Dharwad. She obtained her M.A. in Economics, M.Ed., and Ph.D. Degrees from Karnatak University, Dharwad. She has a P.G Diploma in Education from S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Bombay. She also has a P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Management, and a P.G. Diploma in Higher Education from IGNOU. She was a “Second Rank” holder in her B.A course, “First Rank” holder in B.Ed., M.Ed. and P.G Diploma in Education Management. She is a “Gold Medalist” in the M.Ed course. She is a recipient of two “State Awards” in (1982) and (1983). She has published around 50 research articles in journals of national and international standard and repute. She has guided 200 M.Ed., 50 M.Phil. dissertations and 23 Ph.D. theses, and 2 are presently working. She has attended and presented papers in world conferences organized by World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (W.C.C.I., USA) at Wollongong, Australia (2004), at Manila, Philippines (2006), Antalya, Turkey (2008) and Pecs, Hungary (2010). She has also published 14 books out of which one is published by University Press of America and has published two tests on “Decision Making Styles of Principals” and “Teacher Commitment Inventory”.

Basanagouda B. Policepatil has obtained his M.A., M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees from Karnatak University, Dharwad, M.Phil. from Sri Venkateshwar University, Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh). Presently he is working as Principal, Karnataka Teachers B.Ed. College, Indi Bijapur District (Karnataka). He has attended a number of seminars, workshops, conferences and symposiums at state, national and international levels. His areas of specialization are educational management and educational philosophy.


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