Global Vision Publishing House


Rural Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in New Millennium

Original price was: ₹2,800.00.Current price is: ₹2,750.00.

Author : Dr. M.P. Singh & Nina Verma
ISBN : 978-93-88612-73-9
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2019
Pages : 388
Size : 7×4
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 2,800


About the Book

The growing importance of rural marketing has been realised by the marketers, policymakers and management interns. However, there is dearth of quality literature on the subject, comprehensive coverage of all the dimensions, aspects and managerial issues pertaining to rural marketing. In most of the management institutions, a half-baked knowledge of rural marketing is being imparted to the management interns while there is more emphasis on marketing perspective on harnessing the immense potential offered by rural areas through suitable marketing planning, product mix, pricing, distribution, promotional mix, branding and communication strategies. Present edition is a serious attempt to bridge the need gap in the subject. It deals with the theory of rural marketing and its practical applications in the rural environment even from the grassroots level to growing IT marketing in three parts. The first part gives an emphasis on the understanding and exploration of rural marketing behaviour in first seventh chapters. The second part enlightens rural marketing strategy in Indian perspective in next eight chapters. The third part reviews the marketing of agricultural products and processing of agricultural commodities in next four chapters.

About the Authors

Dr. M.P. Singh obtained his doctorate from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, and Masters’ in Economics from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He has been involved in various global environmental assessments, including the UNEP’s flagship GEO-4 as leading scholar. He has conducted research and consultancy projects funded by illustrious donors like WWF, UNCTAD, UNEP, and many others. He has published four books, and a host of peer-reviewed journal papers and book chapters, apart from popular articles in newspapers and periodicals. Presently, he is a Visiting Fellow at the School of Social Sciences, Linnaeus University in Sweden.

Nina Verma currently manages the academic programs and personnel of the Business Applications and IT Management department in the faculty of ICT of Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria. The department specialises in business analysis, project management, business information systems, knowledge management, ecommerce, business management, and personal and professional development of IT students/ employees, IT management and strategic management. She also lectures in the fourth year subjects on Business Management, Business Fundamentals, Information and Technology Management and Strategic Information Systems.



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