Global Vision Publishing House


Mental Health: Risks and Resources

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Author : Ed by Deepti Hooda & NovRattan Sharma
ISBN : 9788182205826
Edition : 1st
Year : 2013
Size : 14.5×21.5 Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 1200


About the Book

Health is the most precious treasure and every one wishes to posses it in his/her life. There may be many major domains of Health e.g. physical, mental, social etc. however, all of the domains are significant but mental health is the most important. There is no health without mental health. Mental health is the undercurrent of all health domains. It is the power house and distribute strength reaching every health domain to build holistic health of an individual, but on the other hand if mental health is disturbed, it may adversely affect not only other health domains but create unhealthy behavioral patterns resulting day to day problems. Around the globe, mental health challenges are increasing day by day irrespective of age, gender and other socio-cultural parameters, whereas, mental health services particularly in India, are not satisfactory, more so, clinical model of mental health is not cost effective. Therefore, there is a strong need to work upon the primitive and enhancement model. A Psychologist has to undertake this pious duty of collection and disseminating of knowledge on mental health education.

About the Editors

Deepti Hooda is working as assistant professor in the department of psychology, M.D. University, Rohtak. She has 11 years of P.G. teaching experience. She has published more than 11 papers in different international/ national journals and edited books. More than 25 papers have been presented in various national and international conferences/seminars at various institutes of India. Dr. Deepti is rigorously perusing teaching, research and extension activities in the area of positive health. Her area of interest also includes Biopsychology and Health Psychology.

Nov Rattan Sharma is working as professor of Psychology at M. D. University, Rohtak. With a teaching and research experience of 30 years, Professor Sharma has contributed around 100 research articles to various Journals and books of International repute. Professor Sharma has widely travelled in India with a participation in 80 different academic programs including National and International Seminars and Workshops. Being a deputy co-ordinator of DRS-II SAP of UGC in the Department, Professor Sharma is actively engaged in Health assessment and promotion programs being organized at village and community levels since more than last five years. His area of research is Personality and Health. He has successfully supervised a large number of M.Phil and Ph.D theses in the area of Health with a special reference to Triguna Prakriti, Anashakti, Karmyoga, Rituals, religiosity, spirituality Positive Capacities and Interpersonal Relationships etc. He is also an editor of a prestigious periodical i.e. Journal of Indian Health Psychology.


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