Global Vision Publishing House


Marxist Theory of Literary Criticism

Original price was: ₹950.00.Current price is: ₹875.00.

Author: Dr. Sudesh Banerjee
ISBN: 9789389124309
Price: INR 950
Edition: 2nd
Year: 2019
Pages: 180
Size: 14.5×21.5cm
Weight: 350 gms
Publishers: Global Vision Publishing House



About the Book

The present book examines Marxist approach to literature and how Marxist literary criticism is different from other approaches to the theory of literary criticism into five chapters. The first chapter defines Marxism as a political, social and cultural ideology and examines relevance of Marxism to literature. The second chapter examines Marxist theory of literature and its dialectical model of interpretation. It also explains Marx and Engels contribution of humanism and social realism in literature and critical remarks by Marxist critics. The third chapter elucidates the basic concept of change in history and explain how the Marxist idea of the ‘mode of production’ constitutes the core of historical materialism. The fourth chapter elucidates some manifestations of commitment and autonomy in contemporary Marxist literary thought. This chapter explains the role of a writer from the Marxist point of view and how literary writing assumes an activist political dimension. It also raises questions regarding the distinct ‘undefinable’ nature of literature and consider the debate in Marxist criticism on a literary work as product. Hope this book will be helpful for students, teachers, and scholars of literature in general and English literature in Particular.

About the Author

Dr. Sudesh Banerjee has done MA in English literature form Jadavpur University, Kolkata and PhD form English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. He teaches in Haldia Government College, Medinipur. His area of research is identity and its Psycho-Social Affect; American Civil War and Globalization; 19th century India; Psychoanalytic Hermeneutics and Shakespeare Studies. He has published more than 20 research papers in the journal of national and international repute. He organised and participated in several Conferences, Seminar and Workshop.


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