Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 9 No. 2, March, 2015)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The present issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology includes eleven research articles and a book review. This issue is devoted diverse kind of empirical as well as theoretical investigations in the field of health psychology.
The first article by Pooja and Deepti Hooda explores the relationship of Forgiveness and Wellbeing in/across three generation. Alena Slezackova & others in their article deals with the flow experience, well-being and achievement motivation in recreational athletes. Himani Jain and Rohtash Singh found that psychological capital dimensions are positively correlated with adjustment and negatively correlated with depression. Psychological Capital also plays a significant role in influencing adjustment and Combating depressive symptoms among health care professionals. The next article enlisted examined the association between general health status, social support and psychological well being in Kashmiri migrants currently residing in migrant camps. The following study enlisted in the current issue by Neeraj Chaudhary studied the effect of sex, family type and CHD on stress and social support. The next article in the list highlighted some of the issues and challenges worth considering while attempting integrated approach involved in diabetic management and mental Health of diabetic patients. Shilpi Singh and Anubhuti Dubey studied coping and wellbeing in infertile males and females. The article also dealt with identified gender differences in coping with infertility by male and female. In the next article, Alpna Agarwal and Anshu Agarwal found that male cardiac patients use more approach coping and less avoidance coping strategies in comparison to female cardiac patients. Suman Balhara and Nov Rattan Sharma studied positive and negative emotions in healthy controls and CVD patients. Malhotra and Thapa article explores emotional aspects of caregivers of mentally ill. The article helps in increasing the understanding about emotions of the caregivers (family members) of mentally ill and in designing family services tailored to meet the needs of such families. Archana Shukla and Shilpa Singh in their research article aimed to find out the perceived self-other relatedness among MSM population (MEN–SEX-WITH-MEN). Swathi and Shanthisree found significant differences in the level of depression among normal and differently- abled people but no significant differences in their level of personal effectiveness. A book review of Psychological correlates of Cardiovascular diseases by Anil Kumar has been included in this issue.
Editors are grateful to all the investigators/authors of the research articles, referees and book reviewer for their valuable inputs.


Editorial (iii)
1 Forgiveness and Wellbeing: An across Generation Study 1
Pooja and Deepti Hooda 
2 Relationships of Flow Experience, Well-being and Achievement  Motivation in Recreational Athletes in Two Countries 13
Alena Slezackova, Karel Riegel, and Pavel Humpolicek
3 Psychological Capital: A Positive Resource to Aid Adjustment and Combating Depressive Symptoms among Health Care Professionals 29
Himani Jain and Rohtash Singh
4 Effect of General Health Status and Social Support on Psychological Well-being Among the Kashmiri Migrants 41
Dharvinder Singh, Karuna Gupta, Arti Bakhshi and Ruby Charak
5 Effect of Sex, Family Type and CHD on Stress and Social Support: An Empirical Study 51
Neeraj Chaudhary
6 The Interface between Diabetes Mellitus and Mental Health: Issues and Challenges 61
Ranjan Pattnaik and Rabindra Kumar Pradhan
7 Coping and Wellbeing in Infertile Males and Females 79
Shilpi Singh and Anubhuti Dubey
8 Effect of Locale and Gender of Cardiovascular Patients on their Coping with Stress 93
Alpna Agarwal and Anshu Agarwal
9 Study of Positive and Negative Emotions in Healthy Controls and CVD Patients 103
Suman Balhara and Nov Rattan Sharma
10 Emotional Aspects of Caregivers of Mentally Ill  113
Meeta Malhotra and Komal Thapa
11 Relational World of Msm (Men –Sex-with-Men)  125
Archana Shukla and Shilpa Singh
12 Personal Effectiveness and Depression in Differently-abled and Normal People  133
P. Swathi and P. Shanthisree


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