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Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 9 No. 1, September, 2014)

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Copyright : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The Journal of Indian Health Psychology is devoted to interdisciplinary researches in the field of Health Psychology and provides a platform for communication among health professionals. The present issue of the journal includes eleven articles and a book review. All the articles empirical as well as theoretical are related to key issues of today’s scenario. The journal aims at promoting and managing health by applying psychological principles.
In the article section, P.C. Mishra and Swati Pathak emphasize the importance of social support and social network in cervix cancer patients. The article also suggests that the psychosocial interventions should focus on creating supporting environment and supportive care. The next article of this section by Asher Andrew, Vincent Kallavarapu, Marlyn Thomas and Sunayana Swain express the need for understanding the communication, based on the bidirectional approach of communication, between doctor and patient in the present context of health care and management. This article also draws the attention to the fact that the need of the hour is acknowledging and training the health professionals in effective communication skills leading to improved health care system.
The findings of the first article in the research section by Divya Singh, Bipin Kumar, Anjana Mukhopadhyay and Anup Singh, conveys the message to encourage the HIV-infected individuals to rise above their feeling of self-hatred, which deters them from disclosing his or her HIV status and making them to suffer the consequence of denied support, emotionally, financially, physically and socially, that helps to lead a better life. The next two articles focus on wellbeing of youth, Suneesh M.S., HridyaV.M and Sukanya. B. Menon concluded that managing stress and enhancing self-regulatory behavior provide a better psychological wellbeing among youth. Rekha, Midha and Ritu Rani report that emotional adjustment and home adjustment are potent predictors of well-being of young adults.
B.S. Sandhu and Tarika Sandhu report that Rorschach protocols of creative individuals in both the fields viz sciences and literature reveal that at the same level of creativity individuals subjective experience of well being does contribute to the direction, quality and output of creatives in both fields.
Two articles in this section focus on Diabetes Type 2 patients. Kadambari, Swati Singh and Deepti Hooda found that internal health locus of control significantly predicts adherence to medication. Musaddiq Jahan report that diabetic type 2 patients whose blood sugar level are under control, have higher internal health locus of control and are more compliant with medical regimen. Females with blood sugar level under control are more compliant to their medical regime than their male counterparts. No gender difference on health locus of control and compliance to medical regime in uncontrolled diabetes patient.
Renu and NovRattan Sharma aim to assess relationship between functioning of emotion and positive health. They observed a significant relation between the two variables. Naved Iqbal, Mehfooz Ahmad, Sheema Aleem and Divya Mudgil reveal that the experients of paranormal phenomena have more manic, dissociative, schizytypal, anxiety, depression as compared to non experient group. The last article in this section by Mohammad Imran Khan and Abhay Kumar Srivastava deals with Re-validation of the recovery from illness scale.
Editors express their gratitude to all the investigators/authors of the articles, referees and book reviewer for their valuable inputs. Editors do not owe to the data and ideas incorporated in the articles to which the contributors are solely responsible. Commentaries and reactions may be addressed to them directly.


Editorial (iii)
1 Internalised Stigma and Quality of Life in People Living with HIV 1
Divya Singh, Bipin Kumar, Anjana Mukhopadhyay and Anup Singh
2 Effect of Stress and Social Support in Cervix Cancer Patients 11
P.C. Mishra and Swati Pathak
3 Doctor-Patient Communication in Health Care: Issues and Challenges 21
Asher Andrew, Vincent Kallavarapu, Marlyn Thomas and Sunayana Swain
4 Functioning of Emotion and Positive Health: A Co-relational Study among Adults 37
Renu and NovRattan Sharma
5 Impact of Self-Talk and Personality on Emotional Intelligence 51
Meenakshi Chauhan and P.K. Rai
6 Health Locus of Control and Compliance with Medical Regimen: A study of Type 2 Diabetes Patients 65
Musaddiq Jahan
7 Adjustment: An Indicator of Well-being among Young Adults 71
Rekha, Punam Midha and Ritu Rani
8 Psychological Disorders: Comparison between Male and Female Experients and Non-Experients of Paranormal Phenomena 79
Naved Iqbal, Mehfooz Ahmad, Sheema Aleem and Divya Mudgil
9 Re-Validation of the Recovery from Illness Scale by Rasch and Confirmatory Factor Analysis 93
Mohammad Imran Khan and Abhay Kumar Srivastava
10 Stress, Self Regulation and Psychological Wellbeing among Youth 111
Suneesh M.S., Hridya V.M. and Sukanya. B. Menon
11 A Study of Correlation Between Locus of Control and Adherence to Medication in Diabetes Type 2 Patients 121
Kadambari, Swati Singh and Deepti Hooda
12 Rorschach Protocols of Subjective Experience of Well Being in High Creatives 129
B.S. Sandhu, and Tarika Sandhu


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