Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 8 No. 2, March, 2014)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The Journal of Indian Health Psychology (JIHP) aims to publish interdisciplinary researches that generate knowledge on health issues and their solutions with special focus on Indian data. Present issue includes eleven research articles and two book reviews.
First article contributed by A.P. Singh and Nitu Singh explored the role of locus of control as a moderator between the relationship of negative life events stress and general health. Authors have reported that locus of control moderated the relationship between negative stress events related to job and general health. The second article assessed and compared the family burden among the parents of children with mental retardation and healthy children. Parents of children with mental retardation showed significant higher level of burden than healthy control group. Therefore, authors have tried to shift the focus of mental health professionals to mental health issues of care givers along with that of individuals with MR. The next article enlisted in the current issue studied Psychological distress among people living with HIV/AIDS and highlights the need for social and cognitive skills training to patients to facilitate them in handling their distress by rational thinking, worry control and planned positive living in addition to the medical intervention.
Kamlesh Singh, Jasleen Kaur, Dalbir Singh and Shradha Suri examined the relationship between different Well-being and Interpersonal (altruism, gratitude, forgiveness, avoidance motivation and revenge motivation) and Intrapersonal factors (self-esteem, resilience, and self-management) among rural women. The next article explored the relationship between Coping behaviour, Psychosocial stressors and Life satisfaction among army personnel of officer ranks and other ranks. Mansavee Dubey and G. S. Gujar identified the Psychological Predictors of Mental Health government and private school teachers. They have reported Emotional Intelligence as a significant positive predictor whereas Presumptive Life Stress was a significant negative predictor of dimensions of Mental Health. Samyak Makwana compared Self-concept of students who participate in Sport with non-participating Students. Author observed students who participated in sports had better physical and social self-concept than non-participating group.
Vandana Singh and Pramthesh Pandey studied blame attribution and severity of punishment in the case of sexual molestation of women. The finding of this research emphasis the need to design intervention directed at reducing cases of eve teasing and sexual molestation and can also help in developing reform policies. The next article by O. P. Sharma, S. Bhardwas and H. Tiwari reported that type of Pranayama and regularity of practice have significant effect on Positive Self-evaluation dimension of General Mental Health. Anis Ahmad and Gauri Shankar Singh conducted the research to assess and understand the relationship between Life satisfaction and Mental health of aged male and female of North Bihar. InduBala and Amrita Yadava have empirically demonstrated that intra-individual variability (IIV) in RT does not appear to be a very good index whereas visual complex RT is a good index of neuropsychological dysfunctioning.
Editors are grateful to all the investigators/authors, referees and book reviewers for their valuable inputs. We seek the feedback from their readers in order to further enrich the journal.

Editorial (iii)
1 Role of Locus of Control as a Moderator between the Relationship of Negative Life Event Stress and General Health of Managerial Personnel 1
A.P. Singh and Nitu Singh
2 Study of Burden in Parents of Children with Mental Retardation 13
Kuldeep Singh, Raj Kumar, NovRattan Sharma and Dharmender Kumar Nehra
3 Psychological Distress among People Living with HIV/AIDS  21
Pooja Pandey and Archana Shukla
4 Correlates of Well-Being: A Rural Women Study  31
Kamlesh Singh, Jasleen Kaur, Dalbir Singh and Shradha Suri
5 Coping Behaviour among Army Personnel 43
Shivalika Sharma, Anup Sud and Gayatri Raina
6 Psychological Predictors of Mental Health of School Teachers 51
Mansavee Dubey and G. S. Gujar
7 Impact of Sports Participation on Self-Concept of Higher Secondary Students 71
Samyak Makwana
8 Sexual Molestation of Women: Blame Attribution and Severity of Punishment 81
Vandana Singh and Pramthesh Pandey
9 Impact of Pranayama on Positive Self-evaluation Dimension of General Mental Health amongst Regular and Casual Practitioners 91
O. P. Sharma, S. Bhardwas and H. Tiwari
10 Life Satisfaction and Mental Health of Aged with Reference to North Bihar 101
Anis Ahmad and Gauri Shankar Singh
11 Comparison of Mean and Intra-Individual Variability Scores on Reaction Time as Indices of Neuropsychological Dysfunction 113
Indu Bala and Amrita Yadava


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