Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 8 No. 1, September, 2013)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The present issue of the journal of Indian health psychology includes twelve research articles, a short communication and four book reviews. All the articles are empirical and related to psycho-social aspects of health. The first article by Divya merciline and O.S. Ravindran explores the relationship between personality characteristics and psychological distress among nursing students. The next article also deals subjective well-being, social support, hope, stress and coping of mothers of mentally challenged children (caregivers) and normal children (non-caregivers), Kriti Saluja and Tejinder Kaur observed that caregiving mothers perceived less subjective well-being, social support, in comparison to non-caregiving mothers whereas it may be seen that caregiving mothers perceived considerably more hope, stress and used more coping strategies in comparison to non-caregiving mothers. Narendra Singh and Karnika Gupta assessed Emotional Intelligence across demographic variables such as gender, age, residential status, educational levels and field of study.
The next article by A. Velayudhan, Priyanka and Justine K. James examined adjustment and depression among wives of alcoholics and non-alcoholics. They reported that there is a linear relationship between adjustment and depression. Wives of alcoholics are poorly adjusted than non-alcoholics, moreover the level of depression is high in wives of alcoholics. The following study enlisted in the current issue by Fauzia Nazam examined gender differences in the various dimensions of holistic health. The next article in the list examined Positive and Negative Affect in Depressed and Normal Adults. Bharati Roy in her research article aimed to determine the mood states and pattern of adjustment among male alcoholic patients. She found that alcoholics exhibit higher level of anxiety, stress, guilt feeling and extraversion than normal group. They differ significantly from normal group on adjustment. Teenu Nandal, Nov Rattan Sharma and Amrita Yadava’s article makes an effort to explore the relationship between religiosity and holistic health.
The next article by Rita Rani Talukdar and Joysree Das aimed to study Positive mental health among the persons with high blood pressure. The next investigation in the present issue studied the relationship of emotional autonomy with psycho-social adjustment among youth in a sample of 250 adolescents of 18-21 years (125 males and 125 females). The results revealed a negative relationship between autonomy and psycho-social adjustment indices. The next article by Ankit Prakash, Sheema Aleem, Samina Bano and Naved Iqbal was undertaken with the purpose to see the Stress and Psychological Hardiness and the possible relationship between the two variables among the Parents of physically challenged children. Jaroslava Dosedlová, Zuzana Slováèková and Helena Klimusová studied Health-Supportive Behaviour, Subjective Health and Life Style of University Students. The present issue includes a short communication by O.S. Ravindran Management of Auditory Hallucinations By Cognitive – Behavioural Therapy. This issues has three book reviews of books on different aspects of health and well-being.
Editors are grateful to all the investigators/authors of the research articles, referees and book reviewer for their valuable inputs.


Editorial (iii)
1 A Study of Personality Characteristics and Psychological Distress among Nursing Students 1
Divya Merciline and O.S.  Ravindran
2 A Study of Subjective Well-being, Social Support, Hope, Stress and Coping among the Mothers of Mentally Challenged Children (Caregivers) and Normal Children (Non-caregivers). 9
 Kriti Saluja  and Tejinder Kaur
3 Assessment of Emotional Intelligence Across Demographic Variables 21
Narendra Singh and Karnika Gupta
4 Adjustment and Depression among Wives of Alcoholics and Non-alcoholics 41
A. Velayudhan, Priyanka M.S. and Justine K. James 
5 Holistic Health among Male and Female Teachers 51
Fauzia Nazam
6 Positive and Negative Affect in Depressed and Normal Adults 61
Mohammad Anas and Deoshree Akhouri
7 Mood States and Pattern of Adjustment Among Male Alcoholics 69
Bharati Roy
8 A Correlational Study of Religiosity and Health 75
Teenu Nandal, Nov Rattan Sharma and Amrita Yadava
9 Positive Mental Health among the Persons with High Blood Pressure  89
Rita Rani Talukdar and Joysree Das
10 Relationship of Psychosocial Adjustment with Autonomy 95
Suninder Tung and Rupan Dhillon
11 Stress and Psychological Hardiness of Parents of Physically Challenged Children 103
Ankit Prakash, Sheema Aleem, Samina Bano and Naved Iqbal
12 Health-supportive Behaviour, Subjective Health and Life Style of University Students 115
Jaroslava Dosedlová, Zuzana Slováèková and Helena Klimusová
Short Communication
13 Management of Auditory Hallucinations by Cognitive– Behavioural Therapy: A Case Report 133
O.S. Ravindran


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