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Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 6 No. 2, March, 2012)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The present issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has twelve papers, two short communications and three book reviews. The research articles deal with variety of psychosocial issues in health and illness.
The first article by Asha and Hangal explores the effect of working status of women on the positive mental health. The second article was conducted with the objective to investigate the influence of the Spiritual Intelligence, Perceived Social Support on Quality of Life among married women. The findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between Spiritual Intelligence, Perceived Social Support and Quality of Life. Jayakumar, Velayudhan and Selvaraj aimed to find out the treatment outcomes for substance abusers with and without a history of ADHD symptoms in their childhood. The results showed that substance abusers with ADHD history experienced gradual increase in psychological distress and concluded that history of ADHD is a risk factor for later substance abuse. The next article enlisted examined frustration of adolescents with respect of areas, rural and urban. The following study enlisted in this issue by Yegletu and Raju aimed to explore opportunities and challenges for catering psychiatric services at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital. Gagandeep Kaur concluded that both status and level of employment plays an important role in promoting adaptive perfectionism and developing self efficacy among women. The next article in the list carried out an investigation with the aim to examine the impact of perceived stress and locus of control on conflict resolution styles. The results indicated more perceived stress, agitation and anxious behavior in girls as compared to their male counterparts. Annalakshmi Narayanan and Ragitha Radhakrishnan in their paper reported that the resilient individuals, compared to their low resilient counterparts, are more autonomous and showed more self-regulation for treatment. The highly resilient people accept the value of exercising as personally important to them. It is plausible that resilience may be a potential determinant of self regulation. P. C. Mishra and Minum Shyam aimed to find out the relationship between the different types of Needs and Job involvement in prison officers. The next investigation in this issue attempts to assess the prevalence of eating disorders among young female college students in Chennai city. A.K. Srivastava and Anshula Krishna examined whether religion-specific cultures and life style cause significant variance in health status and reactions to illness of the people in different communities. Das Ambika Bharti and Anjana Mukhopadhyay in their article have emphasized the need of a befitting intervention for type D hypertensive patients to improve their psychological quality of life as well as to reduce expressive suppression among hypertensive patients irrespective of their personality type.
There are two articles enlisted in the section of short communications. Meera S. Neelakantan examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and self esteem. Jeetendra. K. Pansuriya compared stress among nurses working in private and government hospitals and it was found that level of stress is more in nurses working in private hospitals than government hospitals. At the end, reviews of current books have also been presented. All the articles are scholarly and will provide direction for young researchers. Editors are grateful to the contributors, referees and book reviewers for their valuable inputs.
An article published in the Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol 6, No 1, September 2011, pp.-42-51) entitled “Effect of Diabetes Patient Education on Anxiety, Depression and Perceived Stress among Type 2 Diabetics” may be read as ” Effect of Diabetes Patient Education on Psychological Stress and Depression   among Type 2 Diabetics”.


1 General Wellbeing and Emotional Intelligence of Working and Non-working Women 1
Asha P. and Suneetha J. Hangal
2 Influence of Spiritual Intelligence and Perceived Social Support on Quality of Life among Married Women 9
S. Shobhana and T. Lavanya
3 History of Childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Constraint in the Treatment of Substance Abuse 21
K. N. Jayakumar, A. Velayudhan and K. Selvaraj
4 A Study of Frustration among Rural and Urban School Going Adolescents 33
Shyam Lata Juyal and Nidhi Sharma
5 A Voyage to Treat the Threats of Psychiatric Services at Amanuel Hospital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 41
Shimelis Dejene Yegletu and  M. V. R. Raju 
6 Positive Health Consequences among Employed and Unemployed Women: Self-Efficacy and Perfectionism 55
Gagandeep Kaur
7 Impact of Perceived Stress and Locus of Control on Conflict Resolution Styles 67
Sachin, Krishan Kumar, Brij Lata Kotia, Rajeev Dogra
8 Psychological Resilience and Self-regulation Among Adults with Type-I Diabetes 77
Annalakshmi Narayanan and Ragitha Radhakrishnan
9 Reducing Stress in Police Officers: A Study of Motivational Factors and Job Involvement 85
P.C. Mishra and Minum Shyam
10 Prevalence of Disordered Eating Among Young Female College Students  95
C. Kalaivani Ashok and S. Karunanidhi 
11 Religion and Health: An Inquiry into the Relationship 113
A.K. Srivastava and Anshula Krishna
12 Emotion Regulation, Rumination and Quality of Life: A Comparison of Type D and non-Type D Hypertensive Patients 121
Das Ambika Bharti and Anjana Mukhopadhyay
Short Communications
13 Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Self Esteem 131
Meera S Neelakantan
14 A Comparative Study of Stress Among Nurses Working in Private and Government Hospital  133
Jeetendra K. Pansuriya


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