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Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 6 No. 1, September, 2011)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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2K11 marks the completion of five successful years of the publication of Journal of Indian Health Psychology. The defining feature of this Journal is that it publishes articles representing theory, research and practice related to the field of Health Psychology. In these years of Publication, the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has built a body of research pieces from academicians and professionals working in the area of health psychology. During these years, a number of scholars have enriched the journal with their valuable contributions and knowledge. In total 5 volumes with two issues each of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology were published with total of 122 articles. The Journal has attracted a large number of intellectuals from all over India. Editors express gratitude to all the contributors for their knowledgeable inputs which have strengthened this journal from time to time. Editors also extend sincere thanks to the worthy reviewers for their expert comments, time and effort which in turn helped the authors to improve their articles.
Present issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has number of articles that deal with various health related issues in different stages of life like adolescence, adulthood, elderly. There are studies that have focused on health status and effectiveness of intervention programs in different diseased groups e.g. Type 2 diabetics, cardiac patients, Alcoholics, Disabilities etc.
The first article by Sharma and Deshmukh explored the effect of activity, financial and social support on wellbeing of senior citizen. Srivastava, Srivastava and Srivastava in their empirical study investigated the relationship between positive and negative side of work-family interface and psychological wellbeing. The authors have reported that work-family conflict is negatively related with mental health and marital satisfaction where as work-family facilitation is positively related with both the variables. The third paper tries to examine the efficacy of stress management techniques in helping the police officers to cope up with physiological stress.
Singh, Bhatnagar and Pandey conducted reliability studies of Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale. The next paper aimed at examining the effectiveness of Diabetic Patient Education (DPE) in reducing anxiety, depression and perceived stress. Rana and Duari in their investigation revealed that hope act as a buffer against personal stress during emerging adulthood. Shivakumar and Halyal studied emotional competence of delinquent adolescents in comparison with normal adolescents highlighting the need of emotional competence for better mental health. Jayanthi and Kadhiravan made an attempt to develop Remedial Education Program (REP) and study its effectiveness for children with dyslexia and dysgraphia. The following study enlisted in this issue by Kaur and Sokhey aimed to assess depression, anxiety, stress and self regulation in Cardiac patients and normals. Masood-ul-Hasan, Md. Jasimuddin and Heena Parveen carried out an investigation with the aim to explore the relation between general health and psychological distress among students. The authors also studied gender differences in general health and psychological distress. Rohini and Vijayalakshmi studied the effect of positive therapy on adjustment of alcoholics. They found that positive therapy to be useful in enhancing the level of adjustment and in reducing the abuse. Meera Padhy compared self –efficacy among Type A & Type B individuals. Another study of students by Tung and Kaur aimed at studying the various correlates of achievement motivation. The next paper in this issue by Govil and Singh explored the relationship between personality traits and burnout; and identified the significant personality predictors of burnout in resident doctors. The authors found neuroticism and openness as significant predictors of burnout.
There are as many as four articles enlisted in the section of short communications. Talukdar discussed the traditional dietary habit of the tribals and its impact on the health of tribal children. Modi and Singh explained the mechanism of Vipassana Meditation and also highlighted its benefits like purifying mind, eradicating the negativities. Karavadara compared depression and suicidal tendency in blind and sighted students. In the last communication of the present issue, Vaghela aimed to examine the effect of dance on mental health and found that regular practioners of dance have a better mental health.
All the articles in this issue are knowledge worthy and significant contributions. At the end review of two current books has also been presented. Editors are grateful to all the contributors, referees and book reviewers for their valuable inputs. Hope this issue of Journal inspire and generate interest among researchers, academicians and professionals to understand various health related issue in depth.


1 Effect of Activity, Financial and Social Support on Well-being of Senior Citizens 1
O.P. Sharma & Juhi Deshmukh
2 Positive and Negative Side of Work-Family Interface and Psychological Well-being: An Empirical Study 10
Shamini Srivastava, Urmila R. Srivastava & A. K. Srivastava
3 Efficacy of Stress Coping Strategies on Physiological Stress Arousal Level of Police Officers 25
C. Balakrishnamurthy & T. Elangovan.
4 Reliability Studies of Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale: Development of ADSS 32
Megha Singh, Pallavi Bhatnagar & Manoj Pandey
5 Effect of “Diabetes Patient Education” on Anxiety, Depression and Perceived Stress among Type 2 Diabetics 42
Mohammad Ghahremani Khorram, Jyoti. S. Madgaonkar & R. Kevin Rowell
6 Hope: A Buffer Against Personal Stress During Emerging Adulthood 52
Suvashisa Rana & Pravakar Duari
7 Emotional Competence of Delinquent Adolescents 64
Shivakumara. K. & P. S. Halyal
8 Effectiveness of Intervention Programs for Children with Dyslexia & Dysgraphia 73
M. Jayanthi & S. Kadhiravan
9 Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Self-regulation of Cardiac Patients and Normal Individuals 79
Tejbeer Kaur & Gurminder Sokhey
10 General Health and Psychological Distress among Students of Aligarh Muslim University 91
Masood-ul Hassan, Md. Jasimuddin & Heena Parveen
11 Enhancement of Adjustment in Alcoholics Through Positive Therapy 96
N.S. Rohini & J. Vijayalakshmi
12 Type A Behavior Pattern and Self Efficacy: Health Implications 102
Meera Padhy
13 Psycho-Social Correlates of Achievement Motivation in Students 109
Suninder Tung & Kiranjeet Kaur
14 Big Five Personality Traits and Burnout in Resident Doctors: A Correlational Study 119
Deepika Govil & Shalini Singh
Short Communications
15 Traditional Dietry Hab1it of the Tribals and its Impact on the Health and Nutrition of the Tribal Children 127
Rita Rani Talukdar
16 Vipassana Meditation – A Positive Approach to Psychological Well-Being 131
Ritu Modi & Abha Singh
17 Depression and Suicidal Tendency of Blind and Sighted Students 135
Bhini M. Karavadara
18 Impact of Dance on Mental Health 138
Savita Vaghela


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