Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 5 No. 1, September, 2010)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The current issue of the erudite Journal of Indian Health Psychology has number of contributions that deal with different aspect of health like mental, social and emotional. The compilation is extended to almost all phases of life from adolescence to old age and also covers variety of health problems including mental health, alcoholism, retardations, and other chronic ailments like diabetes.
The first article of Krishan Kumar, V. K. Sinha, B.L. Kotia and Sushil Kumar is concerned with disabilities associated with Pervasive developmental disorders. Ajay Tayal and Rajbir Singh in their empirical paper aimed to identify the predictors of healthiness among diabetics. The next paper tries to explore the indirect impact of violence on frustration reactions and psychopathology in children of victims of violence. The following study enlisted in the present issue compared mental health of adolescents who are at risk of developing depression in future, those who are vulnerable towards depression and normal adolescent’s. The article by Madhu and Adesh Chaturvedi tackle with adolescents Knowledge, attitude and behavior on the issue related to adolescents reproductive and sexual health. The authors have also put forth certain suggestions and recommendations which may be useful in developing policies, activities and programmes by the government and non-government organizations working in this field. A.K. Srivastava et al studied physical health, mental health and successful aging in rural and urban aged. V.A. Aminabhavi and D.L. Hunagund in their paper aimed to compare the level of general health and anxiety in women after cesarean or normal delivery. Parameswari and Elango conducted a study to access Death Anxiety Among Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Elderly. The next empirical paper by K.S. Pathak and A. Mukhopadhyay reveals that heroin addicts significantly differ from normal on depression and anxiety. K. Shivakumar and P.S. Halyal carried out an investigation with the aim of comparing self concept between delinquent and normal adolescents. Another study on adolescents by Pushpa Misra and Ridhima Shukla aimed to identify predictors of emotional regulation. Ranjana Tiwari et al have reported the effectiveness of group cognitive behaviour therapy for alcoholism. In the next article, S. Sasikala and S. Karunanidhi had made an attempt to study the perceived test anxiety and its relation to behavioral problems among school students. Arun Kumar et al explored the relationship among gratitude, hope and subjective well being in daily wages laborers.
In sum, all the articles are intellectual and empirical. At the end a review of a book on psychology has been presented. Editors are grateful to all the contributors and book reviewer for their valuable and scholarly inputs that will generate interest among researchers, psychologists, professionals and policy makers.
The editorial board wishes to convey to all our contributors to dwell upon specifically in what way their findings are going have an impact on health maintenance and promotion as well on treatment compliance among ill ones. The journal is not only circulated and read by academia but the common readers and laymen too. Therefore suggestion and implications shall have bearing for psychologists, medical professionals, health policy makers and the common man alike. At the same time, the responsibility of the contributors is enhanced in reaching at conclusions and making suggestion. So, let’s be careful.


1 Disability in Pervasive Developmental Disorders: A Comparative Study with Mental Retardation in India  1
Krishan Kumar, V. K. Sinha,  B.L. Kotia and  Sushil Kumar
2 Predictors of Healthiness Among Diabetics 9
Ajay Tayal and Rajbir Singh
3 The Frustration-reactions and Psychopathology in the Children of Victims of Violence 19
Harprit Kaur, LokRaj and Jojanjit
4 Depression at Risk, Vulnerable and Normal Adolescents: A Comparison of Mental Health 27
Shatarupa Chattopadhyay and Anjana Mukhopadhyay
5 Adolescents’ Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour on the Issues Related to their Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health: An Empirical Study  37
Madhu Jain and Adesh Chaturvedi
6 Physical and Mental Health as Correlate of Successful Ageing among Rural & Urban Aged 51
A.K. Srivastava, Anjali Srivastava and Akhilesh Shrivastava
7 Women’s General Health and Anxiety Following Cesarean and Normal Delivery 59
Vijayalaxmi A. Aminabhavi and Deepa L. Hunagund
8 Death Anxiety Among Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Elderly 67
Parameswari. J and M. Elango
9 Depression and Anxiety Level of Heroin Addicts 75
K. S. Pathak and A. Mukhopadhyay
10 An Empirical Study of Self-concept among Delinquent Adolescents and Normal Adolescents 81
Shivakumara. K and P. S. Halyal
11 Predictors of Emotion Regulation among Adolescents  89
Pushpa Misra and Ridhima Shukla
12 Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Alcoholism 99
Ranjana Tiwari, D. Ram, A.S. Srivastava and S.S. Kaushik
13 Test Anxiety in Relation to Behavioral Problems of School Students 109
S. Sasikala and S. Karunanidhi
14 Relationship Among Gratitude, Hope and Well–Being in Daily Wages Labourers 121
Arun Kumar, Sujata and Deepti Hooda


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