Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 4 No. 2, March, 2010)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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Present issue of Journal of Indian Health Psychology is late by few days; editors seek pardon from their valued readers and contributors with the promise to be in time next onwards. Thirteen papers classified in three sections i.e. Article (1), Research Articles (10) and Short Communications (2) deal with variety of health domains.
First article highlights the importance of identify formation for healthy out comes while identify diffusion is associated with faulty life styles in adolescents. Next paper concludes that temperament dimensions like sociability, adaptability and a calm and easy going style are positively associated with well-being outcomes in children. Dr. A Shukla in her empirical paper examined the effect of cross cultural variations and gender influence on depression and well being. The aim of next paper authored by Prof A.P. Singh and Ms. Sadhana Singh was to study the role of coping style in the relationship between stress and health out comes. They demonstrated that coping significantly moderated the relationship between role overload, role ambiguity and health Prof. Upmanyu and his Co-workers reported that depression and various detrimental coping strategies were the significant predictors of suicide ideation; however study failed to show the relevance of social support and negative automatic thoughts in suicide ideation in their study groups.
A study on mental health of police personnel examined its relationship with coping strategies. Results indicated that active and adaptive coping style are positively correlated with mental health amongst above constable police officers. Happiness is not something which one creates rather, it combines feeling of self worth, satisfaction, social support, religiosity etc, An attempt has been made by Dr. Anita Sharma and Prof. Dalip Malhotra to examine the psycho social predictors of happiness disposition among both the genders. They observed some commonness as well as differences in the list of predictors. Coping with HIV in relation to personality is the main objective of eighth article, coping with HIV positive cases may broaden the person centered change efforts. Another article focused on HIV/AIDS people contributed by Dr. Urmi Nanda examined the effect of positive thought induction on well being, quality of life, coping strategies, clinical and immune parameters, disease progression etc. in a controlled clinical research. Next article however, does not directly link with journal theme but keeping wider implications of writing disability in view the same has been included. Religiosity is main study variable in the article of Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Blawana Devi, where anxiety and depression among nurses of governmental hospitals were investigated. Results indicate that more religious practices significantly reduce the levels of anxiety as well as depression.
Although, last two contributions have been placed in the category of short communication but their relevance in no way is short. There are healths messages in both of them i.e. (a) keep away for obesity; and (b) practice yoga.
Editors express the gratitude to all the contributors for their valuable inputs and request the readers to send their comments directly to respective authors.


Editorial iii
1 Adolescent Health-risk Behaviours, Emotional Autonomy and Identity Formation 1
N.S. Tung, Damanjit Sandhu and Bikramjeet Singh
Research Articles
2 Temperament and Social Competence Amongst Children: Implications for Well-being 19
Shweta and Gurminder Sokhey
3 Depression and Well-Being: Experiences from Kumaon Hills in Uttaranchal 37
Aradhana Shukla
4 Role of Coping in Stress-health Relationship 45
A.P. Singh and Sadhana Singh
5 Correlates of Suicide Ideation among Employed Unmarried Adults at two age Levels 55
V.V. Upmanyu, Manmohan Singh, Amit Kumar Dwivedi and Roshan Lal
6 Active, Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping Strategies in Relation to Mental Health of Police Personnel 69
Shweta Singh and P.C. Mishra
7 Psycho-social Predictors of Happiness Disposition in the Genders 77
Anita Sharma and Dalip Malhotra
8 Coping with HIV in Relation to Personality 85
Sunita Malhotra, Rajesh Nair and Sapna Sachdeva Nair
9 Clinical Hypnotherapy in People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Study of Disease Progression and Coping Strategies 99
Urmi Nanda Bishwas
10 Visual-fine Motor Translation Difficulties: A Case Analysis of Writing Disability 121
T. Sasidharan and V.G. Sreedevi
11 Effect of Religiosity on Anxiety and Depression in Nurses 129
Sanjay Kumar and Bhawna Devi
Short Communications
12 Does Obesity Influence Well-being ? 137
H.S. Asthana, Sunita Asthana, and P.D. Bhatt
13 Reducing Anxiety through Yogic Practices 143
Bishamber Singh and Surendra Kumar Sia


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