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Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 3 No. 1, September, 2008)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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Journal of Indian Health Psychology is fully dedicated to various categories of research in the area of health psychology. In this issue, first article by Suninder Tung and Damanjit Sandhu emphasize the healthy psychological development of adolescents in the context of family. Their paper also touches as how emotional relationship with the family can enhance adolescent adjustment and competence, or hamper their psychological development. Sarvdeep Kohli and H.K. Aggarwal highlight the psychological aspects of chronic renal failure. Varsha Singh and Azizuddin Khan studied affect, judgment and endowment-contrast effect and found that judgment of well-being is significantly correlated with negative affect and affect balance. In the comparative study of P. Awasthi and R.C. Mishra on cancer and diabetic women, it was found that cancer patients held stronger belief in individual and supernatural causes as compare to diabetic patients, who believed in more in physiological consequences. Anubhuti Dubey and Adesh Agarwal emphasise on maintaining the quality of life in adversity and found that perceived control and optimism as the predictor of quality of life.
High lighting the issue of Air pollution Neelam Rathi and Rajbir Singh found that the people exposed to prolonged pollution had reduced pulmonary functioning showing decreased stamina. Anita Sharma et al., find out family environment as a determiner of the development of sexually transmission disease (STD) and drug addiction. Irfat Ara Khan and S.K Srivastava studied stress and anxiety among youth smoker and non smoker and found high level of stress and anxiety among smokers as compare to non smoker. Focusing the issue of youth empowerment, Nidhi Maheshwari and Madhu Jain high light the emotional maturity among student leaders. M. Ghufran emphasizes the mental of adolescent working as labourers in carpet industry. Archana Maniram and Samir J. Patel studied of Rorschach responses of sero-positive pregnant women and found low productivity, increased reaction time, rejection of more plates, lower number of human responses, higher number of animal responses, colour shock, high F+%, shading and narrow content categories on Rorschach ink-blot test. Charu Sharma investigate the effect of yogic package on the patients of diabetes mellitus and found that yogic package reduce the fasting serum glucose level and post-prandial serum glucose level (positively lower towards normal).
Editors express thanks to the contributors. Hope, this issue of Journal will inspire and generate interest among researcher, educationist, psychologist, policy maker and professionals to understand health psychology. We seek the feedback of readers to make the journal a more effective vehicle in the field of health psychology.


Editorial iii
1 Healthy Psychosocial Development of Adolescents in Context to Family 1
Suninder Tung and Damanjit Sandhu
2 Psychological Aspects of Chronic Renal Failure 12
Sarvdeep Kohli and H.K. Aggarwal
Research Articles
3 Affect, Judgment and Endowment-Contrast Effect 19
Varsha Singh and Azizuddin Khan
4 A Comparative Study of Chronic Illness beliefs of Cancer and Diabetic Women 27
P. Awasthi and R. C. Mishra
5 Maintaining Quality of Life in Adversity: A Study on Chronically Ill Patients 50
Anubhuti Dubey & Adesh Agarwal
6 Prolonged Exposure to Air Pollution in Relation to Psychosomatic and Pychophysiological Parameters  64
Neelam Rathee and Rajbir Singh
7 Family Environment as a Determiner of the Development of STD and Drug Addiction and its Consequent Fallout on Neuroticism & Stress 72
Anita Sharma, Shilpa, Natasha, Kartar and  Dalip Malhotra
8 A Study of Stress and Anxiety among Youth Smokers and Non-smokers 83
Irfat Ara Khan and  S.K. Srivastava
9 Youth Empowerment through Constructive Alignment of Emotions 89
Nidhi Maheshwari and Madhu Jain
10 Mental Health of Adolescents Working as Labourers in Carpet Industry 97
M. Ghufran
Short Communications
11 Study of Rorschach Responses of Sero-positive Pregnant Women 108
Archana Maniram and Samir J Patel
12 Effect of Yogic Package on the Patients of Diabetes Mellitus 117
Charu Sharma


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