Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 18, No. 1, January, 2024)

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Copyright : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved
Editor : Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Associate Editors : Dr. Deepti Hooda & Dr. Nilesh Thakre
Frequency : Bi-annual
Published Time Published in Janaury and June of each calender year
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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This issue Vol. 18, No. 1, January 2024 of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has eight articles that focus on the various aspects of health-related behaviours. The research articles in the current issue are based on either quantitative or qualitative methods.
The first article by Sonika and Deepti Hooda examined the relationship between affect (positive and negative emotions) and eating behaviour among youth. The findings of the study suggest that strategies to improve emotional regulation would promote healthy eating behaviour. The next article in this issue by Subiya Rashid and Akbar Hussain assessed Aggression, Resilience and Psychological well-being among police personnel. A qualitative study by Rinu Harshidha and Annalakshmi explores the protective factors that support diabetes self-care management among patients with type 2 diabetes. The study revealed that protective factors such as positive and negative emotion, emotion regulation, social support, personal agency, factors related to work, material resources and structural support have a favourable impact on diabetes self-care management. The next article by Pallavi Bhatnagar and Megha Singh conducted a Thematic Analysis of Scars of Pathogenic Parenting and Turbulent Relational World of X. In the next article K. C. Barmola attempted to determine the association between smoking and smokeless tobacco and its influence on the level of hypertension from the NFHS V data. Pooja and Deepti Hooda examined the role of place attachment in Pro-Environmental Behavior. The results highlight the place attachment is one of the key constructs that promotes pro-environmental behaviour by inculcating a sense of responsibility and promoting emotional and cognitive connections with the place. Sandhya Garg has explored gender differences in personality dimensions among high school students. Kushal Walia, in the last article of the current issue, traverses the journey of AI within psychology and how AI is revolutionizing Mental Health Care.
The journal provides a platform for empirical research, comprehensive critical reviews and intervention-oriented articles in the field of health psychology and for application in a wide range of contexts. Editors express gratitude to all the authors for their research contributions. Editors are also grateful to the referees and members of the editorial board for their valuable inputs and suggestions. The journal aims to sensitise the readers about health-related issues and promotion strategies that would help pave the path towards healthy and flourishing individuals and communities.

Editorial (iii)
1 Affect and Eating Behavior among Youth: A Co-relational Study 1
Sonika and Deepti Hooda
2 Aggression and Resilience as Correlates of Psychological Well-being among Police Personnel 11
Subiya Rashid and Akbar Hussain
3 Protective Factors in Type 2 Diabetes Self-care Management: A Qualitative Study 23
Rinu Harshidha, K. and Annalakshmi, N.
4 Scars of Pathogenic Parenting and Turbulent Relational World of X: Thematic Analysis 36
Pallavi Bhatnagar and Megha Singh
5 Association between Hypertension among Adults and Use of Smoking and Smokeless forms of Tobacco use in India: A Secondary Data Analysis of NFHS V  43
KC Barmola
6 Place Attachment as a Predictor of Pro-Environmental Behavior 55
Pooja and Deepti Hooda
7 Exploring Gender Differences in Personality Dimensions Among High School Students 65
Sandhya Garg 
8 Applications of Artificial Intelligencein Psychology: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care 74
Kushal Walia


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