Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 17, No. 1, January, 2023)

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Copyright : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved
Editor : Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Associate Editors : Dr. Deepti Hooda & Dr. Nilesh Thakre
Frequency : Bi-annual
Published Time Published in Janaury and June of each calender year
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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This issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has presented nine research articles that focus on biopsychosocial aspects of health and illness with traditional empirical or qualitative and critically oriented approaches. The first article by Sonika and Deepti Hooda explored the role of emotional regulation in eating behaviour. They observed that difficulties in regulating emotions and poor emotion regulation strategies significantly account for disturbed and unhealthy eating behaviours. Manvi Singh, in the 2nd article, has take up a sensitive issue of the predicament of the working woman which is increasingly attracting the attention of academicians and researchers. In the 3rd article Sajal Dhillon has explored the role of media on body image disturbance and eating disorders. The 4th article by Shamala.R and Madhurini Vallikad applied Protection Motivation Theory for effectively managing Covid-19 risk and suggested that two cognitive mediating processes, threat appraisal and coping appraisal, are the prerequisites for preventive behaviour and preparedness for pandemics. In the 5th article, Kalpna, Deepti Hooda and NovRattan Sharma empirically explored the role of self-control, aggression and cognitive distortion in criminal behavior. The 6th article by Gulgoona Jamal highlighted the effect of visual arts and performing arts in improving the psychological well-being of Indian young adult female amateur artists during COVID-19. Mandeep Sharma, Muni Ram and Sonu Kumar, in the 7th article, reported gender differences in adjustment, self-efficacy and academic achievement among school students. The findings of the 8th article by Pooja and Deepti Hooda point out significant the contribution of environmental attitude in predicting pro-environmental behavior. The last article of Sonika Dangi and Pankaj Gupta assessed the relationship between marital adjustment and depression amongst women.
The journal attempts to provide a platform for empirical research, comprehensive critical reviews and intervention-oriented articles in the field of health psychology and for application in a wide range of contexts. Editors express their gratitude to all the authors for their research contributions. Editors are also grateful to the referees and members of the editorial board for their valuable inputs and suggestions. The journal aims to sensitize the readers to various health-related biopsychosocial issues that would pave the path towards healthy and flourishing communities.

1 Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Eating Behaviour  1
Sonika and Deepti Hooda
2 Predicament of the Working Woman: From Mothers to Daughters 14
Manvi Singh
3 Contribution of Media on Body Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders 24
Sajal Dhillon
4 Covid-19 Pandemic and Protection Motivation Theory 34
Shamala. R and Madhurini Vallikad
5 Role of Self-control, Aggression and Cognitive Distortion in Criminal Behavior 40
Kalpna, Deepti Hooda and NovRattan Sharma
6 Effects of Visual Arts Versus Performing Arts on Psychological Wellbeing of Indian Young Adult Female Amateur Artists During COVID-19 50
Gulgoona Jamal
7 A Comparative Study on Adjustment, Self-efficacy and Academic Achievement among Male & Female School Students 73
Mandeep Sharma Muni Ram and Sonu Kumar
8 Role of Environmental Attitude in Pro-Environmental Behavior 82
Pooja and Deepti Hooda
9 A Study of Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Depression Amongst Women 91
Sonika Dangi and Pankaj Gupta




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