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Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 15 No. 1, September, 2020)

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Copyright : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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This issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has twelve articles that focus on psychological aspects of health and illness. In the first article, Namita Tayal, Malinee Priya and NovRattan Sharma explored the relationship between Ahamkara and health. Bharathi, V. and K.V. Krishna, in the next article examined the influence of pets on health locus of control among early adults. Suruchi Bhatia, S. Grace Tinnunnem Haokip, Anika Yadav and Gopa Bhardwaj empirically investigated gender differences in achievement motivation and career locus of control (clc) among college boys and girls living in urban India. They found that boys showed higher level of Achievement Motivation, higher ‘external powerful others’, ‘total externality’ and ‘total CLC’ compared to girls. Mohd. Ilyas Khan examined the effect of gender and levels of acculturative stress on academic performance among students of different states studying in AMU. The findings pointed that female students were better than male students. The level of acculturative stress did not influence the academic performance of the students. Mandeep Sharma and Anita Yadav, in the next article, explored the role of personality factors in psychological well-being among adults. The authors found two personality factors i.e. extrovert and conscientiousness as significant predictors of psychological well-being. Gunjan Bhutani and Anirudh Katyal studied the relationships between ego resilience, self-esteem and perceived stress among young adults. Kalpna Thakur, Malinee Priya and NovRattan Sharma reviewed the quantitative studies on Dispositional mindfulness (DM), health and well-being in non-clinical sample. The authors highlighted positive relationship of DM with health and psychological well-being; and negative association with many psychological disorders. Archana Shukla and Deepti Mehrotra studied the perception of senior secondary female students towards school environment. The results of the study call for the much-awaited reform in India’s education system and school environment. Niharika Duggal, Gunjan Bhutani, Arushi Singh, Devika Satija and Anirudh Katyal assessed anxiety and perceived stress during Covid-19 Lockdown. They observed significant positive correlation between the perceived stress and anxiety; and the effect of age on anxiety and perceived stress. A critical review on psychological correlates of longevity by Ravinder Kumar, Malinee Priya and NovRattan Sharma, pointed out the role of psychological factors like happiness, well-being, and resilience in people’s longevity.
Tanaz Nazhand assessed emotional regulation and flourishing among married teachers. The study reported no significant differences on flourishing and emotional regulation between males and females; and between working and non-working spouse. Respondents living in joint families were better at emotional regulation than respondents from nuclear. The last article in the current issue by Faizi Agha and Akbar Husain examined the relationship between hope and mental wellbeing among female cancer patients.
The journal attempts to provide a platform for the empirical research, comprehensive critical reviews and intervention-oriented articles in the field of health psychology. Editors express their heartfelt gratitude to all the contributors for their research contributions. Editors are also grateful to the referees and members of editorial board for their valuable inputs.


Editorial (iii)
1. Ahamkara and Health: An Empirical Review 1
Namita Tayal, Malinee Priya and NovRattan Sharma
2. Comparison of Health Locus of Control
between Pet Owners and Non-Pet Owners 14
Bharathi, V. and K.V. Krishna
3. Gender Differences in Achievement Motivation and Career Locus of Control in Indian College Boys and Girls 21
Suruchi Bhatia, S. Grace Tinnunnem Haokip, Anika Yadav and Gopa Bhardwaj
4. Impact of Acculturative Stress on Academic Performance Among Students of Different States 32
Mohd. Ilyas Khan
5. Personality Factors as Correlates of Psychological Well-being among Adults 40
Mandeep Sharma and Anita Yadav
6. The Relationship between Ego Resilience, Self Esteem and Perceived Stress:  An Investigative
study of Young Adults 53
Gunjan Bhutani and Anirudh Katyal 
7. Mindfulness Disposition, Health and Psychological Wellbeing 65
Kalpna Thakur, Malinee Priya and NovRattan Sharma
8. School Environment: Perception of Female Students of Senior Secondary Schools 80
Archana Shukla and Deepti Mehrotra
9. Anxiety and Perceived Stress Due to Covid-19 Lockdown  91
Niharika Duggal, Gunjan Bhutani, Arushi Singh, Devika Satija and Anirudh Katyal
10. Psychological Correlates of Longevity-A Critical Review 103
Ravinder Kumar, Malinee Priya and NovRattan Sharma
11. Emotional Regulation and Flourishing among Married Teachers 112
Tanaz Nazhand
12. Relationship between Hope and Mental Wellbeing Among Female Cancer Patients 119
Faizi Agha and Akbar Husain


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