Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 13 No. 2, March, 2019)

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Copyright : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The current issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has nine research articles related to psychosocial aspects of health and illness. The first article by Surjeet Singh and NovRattan Sharma empirically examined the role of self-regulatory capacities in mental health of adults. They reported that self-regulation (emotion regulation; cognitive reappraisal) ability was found to be negatively related to health complaints while emotion regulation strategy (expressive suppression) was positively related with health complaints. Nice Mary Francis P and Aparna Suresh tried to identify the psychological predictors of Migraine. The findings of their study highlighted that dysfunctional attitude was the strongest predictor of migraine, followed by conscientiousness, perceived stress and low extraversion. Shashi Darolia and Debasruti Ghosh explored the differences between women who have been diagnosed with infertility and matched normal fertile controls on personality and coping styles. Women with infertility use emotional and avoidance approach and not rational, which according to the researchers could be one reason of stress and anxiety in them. Mallika Sharma and NovRattan Sharma reported CBT to be effective intervention for Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Further, the authors also emphasised the need to adapt the CBT model to Indian setting. Jaya A.T. and Nivea Jerome studied aggression and perceived social support in hypertensive patients. Rupan Dhillon and Saima Hafiz in their study focused on psychosocial factors that may influence the life of a migrant adolescent. Gurinder Kaur and Sukhbir Singh attempted to understand and study the medical plurality, continuity, hybridity and change in the perception and choices for healing systems of healing systems in residents of a single village of Bhatgarh located in the district of Sirmaur in Himachal Pradesh, India. Kalpna and NovRattan Sharma, in the next article have made an attempt to understand the basics of Karma and how it can lead to ultimate happiness and positive health. Balan Rathakrishnan , Soon Singh, Bikar Singh, Mohammad Rahim Kamaluddin, Koay Ting Yin, & Azizi Yahaya conducted a research on psychological distress and flood coping responses i.e. problem-focused and emotion-focused in flood victims. They reported that most of the flood victims express moderate problem-focused flood coping responses and less emotion-focused flood coping responses. According to the researchers, these findings could provide an aid in designing prevention and crisis intervention for flood victims.
All the articles enlisted in this issue will provide direction for young researchers working in the field of health and well-being. Editors express gratitude to all the contributors for their research contributions. Editors are also grateful to the referees and members of editorial board for their valuable inputs. The journal aims to sensitize the readers to various health related psychosocial issues that would pave the path towards healthy and flourishing communities.

1 Self-Regulation Capacity as a Buffering Agent in Health Complaints of Adults 1
Surjeet Singh and NovRattan Sharma
2 Psychological Predictors of Migraine: An exploratory study among Migraineurs and Non-migraineurs 17
Nice Mary Francis P and Aparna Suresh
3 The Motherhood Challenge: Examining the Role of Coping Styles and Personality in Infertile Women 32
 Shashi Darolia and Debasruti Ghosh
4 Efficacy of Cultural Adaptation of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Generalised Anxiety Disorder in India 43
Mallika Sharma and NovRattan Sharma
5 Aggression and Perceived Social Support among Individuals with Hypertension: An Explorative Study 53
Jaya A.T. and Nivea Jerome
6 Relationship between Self Esteem, Coping Strategies, Family Environment, Personality and Social Support in Migrant Adolescents: A Factorial Perspective 63
Rupan Dhillon and Saima Hafiz
7 Medical pluralism, Continuity and Change: Re-visiting the field in Bhatgarh, Himachal Pradesh, India 77
Gurinder Kaur and Sukhbir Singh
8 Theory of Karma: Universal Path to Positive Health 93
Kalpna and NovRattan Sharma
9 Problem-focused and Emotion-focused of Flood Coping Responses with Psychological Distress in Flood Victims 104
Balan Rathakrishnan, Soon Singh Bikar Singh, Mohammad Rahim Kamaluddin, Koay Ting Yin, & Azizi Yahaya


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