Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 13 No. 1, September, 2018)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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We are happy to deliver the Journal of Indian Health Psychology (JIHP) in the hand of our esteemed readers and subscribers. It is the 13th Volume September issue of JIHP. In this issue, there are total nine articles dealing with various important facets of Health Psychology. In first article on CBT authors have used the therapy to enhance assertiveness and social maturity of college students. Govarthini and Amudha conducted the CBT sessions for two weeks and focused through Psycho – educational, self monitoring, cognitive rehearsals, role playing and home work assignments. In pre-post comparison CBT found to be effective in enhancing social maturity and assertiveness of the target sample. Another article contributed by Sunatak and Devendra examined role of Existential Psychotherapeutic Intervention in the End – of – Life care and positive health. The overview on the selected variable is sizeable and current also. Next article contributed by Shikha and Swaran, deals with the HIV/ AIDS orphans .There is a need to to undertake the research on such neglected sample. Health Psychology Professionals can significantly change the physical and emotional well being of the orphans. The article successfully included the nutritional status of the participants. An article authored by Nautiyal and Velayudhan take up a bold step in health psychology researches. The rape survivors were studied on account of trauma and psychological well being. Needless to say that rape is big trauma and threshes the life of victims. Psychology people should come forward to help and rehabilitate such people by maintaining confidentiality. Dubey and Mishra evaluated the role of Optimism and Perceived Control in well being of Women in Reproductive Age. They demonstrated that optimism emerged as the best predictor of well-being particularly infertile group. At the same time, it was also observed that in the fertile group, personal control significantly predicted women’s wellbeing. A study by Vigneshvaran and Krishna highlighted that level of Emotional Intelligence play an important and promotional role in Psychological Well being of School Students. The role of parents and teachers have been greatly emphasised. The authors have also suggested various psycho- social methods to improve the both. Depression and Mental Health are closely associated . A research on old age people carried out by Akshaya and Krishna clearly indicated that there are gender differences in mental health and depression levels. Daily prayers and recitation of Mantras have found to produce positive effect on memory and sustained attention of children. Seethalakshmy and Krishna observed that the process of prayer and recitation affects both the hemispheres of the brain which in turn result in good memory and better attention. Lastly, an article contributed by Singh and Sharma presented an empirical review on applications of self regulating strategies for healthy functioning. The investigation took a focus on studies with sample of adolescents highlighting promotional role of self regulation in overall development in general and psycho – social health in specific. The workable strategies have also been enlisted by the authors.
Editors place on record the heartfelt gratitude to all the esteemed contributors with the hope that this volume of the Journal will take Psychological researches from further to more further. Readers may send their valuable inputs directly to the respective authors, however, the suggestions for JIHP are always welcome by the Editors.

Editorial (iii)
1 Efficacy of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) in Enhancing Assertiveness and Social Maturity in College Students 1
 R. Govarthini and N.V. Amudha Devi
2 Existential Psychotherapeutic Intervention in the End-of-Life Care and Positive Health Outcomes: An Overview 20
Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei and Devendra Singh Sisodia 
3 Nutritional Status, Clinical Features and Degree of Immunosuppression of HIV/AIDS Orphans in India 35
Shikha Verma and Swaran Lata
4 Trauma and Psychological Well-Being of Rape Survivors 47
Richa Nautiyal and A. Velayudhan
5 Role of Optimism and Perceived Control in Well-being of Women in Reproductive Age 53
Anubhuti Dubey and Kirti Mishra
6 Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well Being among the Higher Secondary School Students 72
Vigneshvaran. K and Dr. Krishna. K.V
7 The Study of Depression and Mental Health among old age people  81
Akshaya, I. and K.V. Krishna
8 A Study on the Effect of NityaPrarthana with Shloko Charana on Memory and Sustained Attention among Children 87
Seethalakshmy. A  and Krishna. K.V. 
9 Self-Regulation Strategies for Healthy Functioning Among Adolescents 100
Surjeet Singh and Nov Rattan Sharma


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