Global Vision Publishing House


Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 12 No. 2, March, 2018)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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The current issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology has thirteen research articles. This issue is devoted diverse kind of empirical as well as theoretical investigations in the field of health psychology.
In the first article Halder and Chatterjee explored the job satisfaction of male pathology technicians in Private and Government Laboratories and their psycho-physical symptoms and work-family conflict and found that there is insignificant correlations between their work-family conflict and job satisfaction. The next article by Bhaskar, Ramanathan and Hoksbergen has compared the perceived psychological well-being between Indian men and women undergoing fertility treatment for involuntary childlessness and found that a psychological health parameter is often neglected by childless couples, health professionals and society in large in fertility treatment. In third article Gaikwad and Bedarkar have investigated the cause and effect of the health, socio-economic and educational status of the parents/family on child’s health & nutrition. Another article of Krishna and George focuses on self-efficacy and stress of adolescents whose parents are working in abroad.
The fifth article of Dandamudi and Sathiyaseelan has indicated that binge watching is motivated by certain factors including boredom, stress, loneliness, social engagement and addiction deriving from habit. In next article Dhillon and Kanwar analyzes the relationship between parent-adolescent conflict and symptoms of depression as well as aggression among adolescents. In other article Devika, Gayatridevi and Velayudhan has investigated the mental health and quality of life of an unwed mother of Kerala and found that they undergo collection of sufferings that has a direct affect on their life. In the eighth article Nishat Afroz has compared the two different doctrine of self given by Maslow. Kumar and Bharti intended to examine the role of proactive coping on psychological wellbeing of healthy youth in India and found that proactive coping is significantly positively correlated with psychological well-being.
Dey and Chatterjee has compared the psychosocial profile on depression of male and female college students addicted to internet and found that from the perspective of internet use male and female subsample were positioned at the same point but female counterparts possess higher depression than male ones. The finding of the study conducted by Varughese and Rohini is the anxiety level of boys and girls with multiple disabilities predominantly cerebral palsy and intellectual disability in combination. Shahin Ghani and Harish Rao evaluated the impact of behavioural intervention on well-being in patients suffering from primary osteoarthritis of the knee. Qayoom and Ahmadi suggested various strategies viz. monitoring of emotions, maintaining positive relationships, maintaining discipline of body through exercise, taking challenges, meditation, company of the wise, cleansing of mind, joy, warmth and pleasant activities to enhance well-being of depressive and emotionally suffocated individuals.
All the articles enlisted in this issue will provide direction for young researchers working in the field of health and well-being. Editors express gratitude to all the contributors for their research contributions. Editors are also grateful to the referees and members of editorial board for their valuable inputs. The members of the editorial board are of the view that the journal tries to sensitize the readers to various health related psychosocial issues that would pave the path towards healthy and flourishing communities.


Editorial (iii)
1 Physical and Psychological Symptoms, Work-Family Conflict and vice versa and Job Satisfaction of Male Pathology Technicians in Private and Government Laboratories 1
Disha Halder and Dr. Ishita Chatterjee
2 Psychological Well-being of Indian Men and Women Undergoing Fertility Treatment for Involuntary Childlessness 13
Saraswathi Bhaskar, Vijaysarathi Ramanathan and René Hoksbergen
3 Impact of Family Socio-economic Status and Mother’s Education on Child Health  22
Dikshanti Eknath Gaikwad and Pritamkumar C. Bedarkar
4 Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on the Self-Efficacy and Stress of Adolescents with Parental Absence 30
Dr. K.V. Krishna and Biju George
5 Binge Watching: Why are College Students Glued to their Screens? 41
Veda Anita Dandamudi and Anuradha Sathiyaseelan
6 Relationship of Parent Adolescent Conflict with Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms 53
Dr. Rupan Dhillon and Palak Kanwar
7 Unwed Mothers of Kerala: Their Mental Health and Quality of Life  63
Ms. Devika.R, Dr S Gayatridevi and Prof. A. Velayudhan
8 Maslow’s Self-actualization and Iqbal’s Khudi: A Comparative Study 69
Dr. Nishat Afroz
9 Role of Proactive Coping in Psychological Wellbeing of Healthy Indian Youth  76
Shishu Kesh Kumar and Das Ambika Bharti
10 Comparative Psycho-social Profile of Internet Addicted Male and Female Students of Kolkata 91
Rittick Dey and Sraboni Chatterjee
11 The Level of Anxiety among Adolescents with Multiple Disabilities 105
Miss. Blessy Ann Varughese and Dr. N.S Rohini
12 Impact of Behavioural Intervention on Well-being in Patients With Osteoarthritis of the Knee 115
Shahin Ghani and Harish Rao
13 Strategies Towards Enhancing Well-being of Depressive and Emotionally Suffocated Individuals  126
Shabnam Qayoom and Shahla Ahmadi


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