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Journal of Indian Health Psychology (Vol. 10 No. 1, September, 2015)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. Rajbir Singh & Prof. NovRattan Sharma
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15458/29/1/2006-TC
ISSN : 0973-5755
Impact Factor is : 2.1223
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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In this issue of the Journal of Indian Health Psychology there are thirteen research articles, two short communications and a book review. This issue is devoted to diverse kind of empirical investigations in the field of health psychology.
The first article by Muni Ram and NovRattan Sharma assessed and compared the suicidal ideation among the students of professional and non-professionals courses. The authors have reported that professional students expressed more suicidal ideation as compared to non-professional and female students in both type of courses showed greater suicidal tendency as compared to males. They have further emphasized upon the need of psychological interventions especially for the students to deal effectively with the increasing suicide ideation. In the next article, Akbar Husain have made an attempt to develop a comprehensive scale of Health, Holistic Health Scale (HHS), with eight domains of health, namely, economic, emotional, environmental, mental, physical, social, societal, and spiritual. The following study enlisted in the current issue by Krishna Kumar Mishra examined the contribution of optimism as a determinant to predict health. Nazirul Hasnain, Mohammad Imran and Muhsina Lubaiba K M Asif compared Well-being and Self-esteem of children of working parents of Delhi and Kerala. Lakshya Rawat, Pragyendu, Mahesh K. Darolia and Soaham Bharti studied Identity Crisis and Self-monitoring in Indian adolescents. In the next article, Sarita Sood and Arti Bakhshi have reported significant contribution of each dimension of Psychological Capital in development of Subjective Vitality. Jaya A. T and Chandana D. Karathully in this article have examined the relation between dietary preferences and the inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity in children between the ages of 5 to 15 years. Salma Kaneez assessed the adolescents’ knowledge of life-style related chronic diseases and its association with their health habits and health behaviour /care. In the next article enlisted in this issue, Ranjana have found family environment as a significant predictor of the Big Five personality dimensions and emotional intelligence. The next article have examined Executive functioning in children with learning disabilities and concluded that verbal working memory is the most important neuropsychological correlate of learning disability. In the last article, Zeba Qamar have addressed a very sensitive issue of child abuse and aimed to study emotional-instability, emotional-regression and social-maladjustment of those girls who have experience sexually abuse during their childhood. This issue includes a short communication by Vedagiri Ganesan on Behaviour technology for effective management of gays, lesbians and queers. Another short communication by R. Santhanakrishnan also focused on Behaviour technology and found significant enhancement in the Emotional Intelligence of the industrial workers with the application of Behavior technology. We are thankful to all contributors for contribution of their articles in this issue.


Editorial (iii)
1 Suicidal Ideation among Students of Professional and Non-professional Courses: A Health Threat 1
Muni Ram and NovRattan Sharma
2 Develoment of Holistic Health Scale 11
Akbar Husain
3 Dispositional Optimism and Health 18
Krishna Kumar Mishra
4 Well-being and Self-esteem of Children of Working Parents: A Cross-cultural Study of Delhi and Kerala 32
Nazirul Hasnain, Mohammad Imran, Muhsina Lubaiba K M Asif 
5 A Study of Identity Crisis and Self-Monitoring in Indian Adolescents 48
Lakshya Rawat,  Pragyendu,  Mahesh K. Darolia, and Soaham Bharti
6 Psychological Capital as Predictor of Subjective Vitality in Bank Employees 56
Sarita Sood and Arti Bakhshi
7 Influence of Dietary Preferences on Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity in Children 64
Jaya A.T., and Chandana D. Karathully
8 Health Habits, Knowledge and Health Behaviour among School-going Adolescents 71
Salma Kaneez
9 Family Environment in Relation to Emotional Intelligence and Personality  79
10 Analysis of Executive Functions in Children with Learning Disorders 90
Nice Mary Francis
11 Emotional Instability, Emotional-regression and Social Maladjustment of Adolescent Girls Having Experienced  98
Zeba Qamar
12 An Innovative Brief Behaviour Technology for Effective Management of Gays, Lesbians and Queers 102
Prof.  Dr. Vedagiri Ganesan
13 Enhancing Emotional Intelligence among Industrial Workers with the Application of Behavior Technology 105
R. Santhanakrishnan


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