Global Vision Publishing House


Human Aggression: Theory, Research and Intervention

Original price was: ₹1,450.00.Current price is: ₹1,400.00.

Author : Sunil Saini & Neelam Goyal
ISBN : 978-93-88612-36-4
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2019
Pages : 368
Size : 7×4
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 1,450


About the Book

The present edition offers a detailed introduction about the psychology of human aggression, risk factors for human aggression, behavioural problems associated with aggression, tools for management and intervention of anger. This edition is redesigned in five parts and further classified into twenty chapters. The first part is intended to give a comprehensive review on human aggression comprising; what is aggression, types of aggression, theoretical perspectives of aggression and gender differences in aggression. The second part is devoted to early risk factors of human aggression comprising neo-natel, post-natel, physiological and psychological risk factors of aggression. The third part focuses on the aggression research and behavioural problems. This section emphasizes on romantic relational aggression, psychological aggression in marital relationship, sexual aggression, driving aggression, sports aggression, violent videogames and aggression, dating violence, school bullying. The fourth part addresses dealing with human aggression, anger management and intervention for chronic forms of aggression.  The fifth part is about the tools for measurement of aggression. This part has provided details about different tools for the assessment of aggression and its management, which are beneficial for researchers. This edition is very important for practitioners who are seeking a detailed text on human aggression, its treatment and prevention.

About the Authors

Sunil Saini is president of Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare. His primary research focuses on anger and aggression. He has   published over 30 research papers in national and international journals, in addition to 20 book chapters.  He has co-authored a book “Anger Management” by Sage publication, and co-edited a book “AHA-Syndrome (anger, hostility and aggression) and Cardiovascular Diseases by Ansan UK and Anamaya India. He has published three manuals of scales, i.e., peer pressure scale, attitude towards alcohol and drug abuse and HIV risk perception questionnaire.  He is the editor of Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing and PsyInsight (a monthly theme based magazine) published by Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare.

Neelam Goyal is secretary of Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare. Her research has previously focused on body dissatisfaction. Currently, her research involves positive psychology. She has published 15 research articles in national and international journals. She is also the editor of Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing and PsyInsight (a monthly theme based magazine) published by Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare.



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