Global Vision Publishing House


Global Water Governance: Crisis and Management

Original price was: ₹1,350.00.Current price is: ₹1,050.00.

Author: Dr. Jaquir Iqbal
ISBN: 9789388612456
Price: INR 1350
Edition: 2nd
Year: 2019
Pages: 254
Size: 14.5×21.5cm
Weight: 450 gms
Publishers: Global Vision Publishing House




About the Book

The alarming observations about water use and misuse is now familiar—over a billion people without access to safe drinking water; almost every major river dammed and diverted; increasing conflicts over the delivery of water in urban areas; continuing threats to water quality from agricultural inputs and industrial wastes; and the increasing variability of climate, including threats of severe droughts and flooding across locales and regions. This edition focuses on three major concepts and approaches that have gained currency in policy and governance circles, both globally and regionally— crisis, privatization and public participation. It provides a historical and contextual overview of each of these ideas as they have emerged in global and regional policy and governance circles and pairs these with in-depth case studies that examine manifestations and contestations of water governance internationally. This edition also investigates ideas of marketisation and privatization, increasingly prominent features of water governance throughout the world, with particular attention to the varied implementation and effects of these governance practices. It also analyses participatory water governance, querying disconnects between global discourses and local realities. These issues present tremendous challenges for water governance.

About the Author

Dr. Jaquir Iqbal worked as Principal Financial Officer with the Quantitative Strategies, Risk and Analytics department in the Treasury of the World Bank in Washington D.C. He earned his Ph.D. in International finance from the George Washington University where he also serves as adjunct faculty of International Finance. He has published several articles on Islamic Finance in reputed journals and has presented papers at international forums. He has extensive experience with capital markets, exotic derivative products, risk management, financial sector development and financial modelling. His research interests include Islamic Finance, Financial Engineering, Structured Finance and International Banking.



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