Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 8 No. 2, December, 2014)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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Global Journal of Business Management is an internationally renowned peer reviewed & refereed journal that provides a platform for researchers/ professionals to publish their high quality research papers in management and allied disciplines. Research paper submissions to GJBM are screened and peer-reviewed to maintain highest ethical and technical standards.
It gives us immense pleasure to present Vol. 8, No. 2 December 2014 issue of Global Journal of Business Management. We owe this edition to the hard work of our academicians and researchers. The present issue touches upon some of the current issues in business management and its related fields. Fourteen papers covering various functional areas of management have been rigorously selected. The first paper Theoretical View about Direct Marketing and Relationships Marketing by Anju Goswami attempts to highlight the complementary effect of relationship marketing and direct marketing and outline the foundations of direct marketing that can be enhanced by relationship marketing principles.
The second paper Behavioral Study of Commodity Investment among Individual Investors by Shraddha Mishra tries to capture the picture of commodity investment in the market, and knowing the investment pattern and expectations of the investors towards the commodity derivates market. The third paper Business Process Reengineering by Hari Lal Bhaskar and R.P. Singh aims to collect and review the work done so far in the field of BPR and quality management. The study focuses on providing a comprehensive overview of overall development of BPR concept, theories, approaches, challenges and outcomes.
The fourth paper Potential of Interest Free Banking System in India by Mohd. Salahuddin and Mohd. Sajid attempts to understand awareness and attitude of Indians towards Islamic banking. The fifth paper Impact of Brand Equity Dimensions on Brand Purchase Intention of Customers Through Social Media Networks by R. Ganapathi reveals that brand awareness, perceived quality, satisfaction and brand loyalty are the dimensions of brand equity through social media networks. The sixth paper presented by R. Sree Devi and R. Ganapathi shows that work-related factors of healthy and safe working conditions, adequate and fair compensation, growth and development, self-improvement and job security and social integration are moderately and positively associated with overall quality of work life of employees in small scale industrial units.
The seventh paper The Recent Trend of Performance Appraisal in Private and Government Organizations by Budhi Sagar Mishra and Shyam Anand Jha evaluates the Performance Appraisal System practices in selected Public and Private sector organizations. The eighth paper Impact of Soap Advertising and Its Effectiveness in Semi-Urban Area by Garima Malik discusses the impact of advertisement on various soaps and its effectiveness on consumer. The paper throws light upon the various factors which help in changing the perception of customers towards a particular brand. The ninth papers Evolution of TATA Consultancy Services by Dr. Prakash Vir Khatri reviews TCS, a multinational information technology (IT) service, consulting and business solutions, with respect to its conceptualization and evolution.
The tenth paper Sales Promotion and its Effect on Brand Switching Behaviour in the Indian FMCG Market by Ms. Rashmi examines the effects produced by the various sales promotion exercises on the buying behaviour of consumers of FMCG, stressing on ‘Brand Switching’ as a behavioural consequence. The eleventh paper Role of HRD Climate in Organizational Effectiveness in Indian Organization by Anshul Jaiswal and A.P. Singh aims to explore the extent of HRD Climate and Team empowerment prevalent in organizations. The twelfth paper A Study on Changing Nature of HRM in the Era of Globalization by Rashi Saxena reflects the various evolving practices that many organizations are adopting as the work environment around the globe is changing.
The thirteenth paper Effectiveness of e-CRM in Banking Sector by Pravesh Kumar Mann and Ravi Kumar explains the theoretical aspects of CRM and adoption of e-banking as CRM tools by leading Indian banks. The paper seeks to study the effectiveness of the E-CRM as followed by Indian banks. The fourteenth paper Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Growth by Dr. Nisha Rana and Aanchal Gupta attempts to analyze the nature of linkage between FDI inflows and growth in respect of India for a period of 42 years. It looks upon the possibility of long-run relationship between the two using co-integration test, and examine if there exists any causal relationship between them.
All the papers report a plethora of findings that should be of interest to researchers. We are grateful to all contributors and reviewers for their valuable inputs. We hope that our readers shall benefit from the knowledge so generated. We look forward to the continuous support of our authors and patrons, and invite recommendations and discussions for further issues.


Editorial iii
1 Theoretical View About Direct Marketing and Relationships Marketing 1
Anju Goswami
2 Behavioral Study of Commodity Investment Among Individual Investors 11
Shraddha Mishra
3 Business Process Reengineering: A Recent Review  24
Hari Lal Bhaskar and R.P. Singh
4 Potential of Interest Free Banking System in India: An Exploratory Study 52
Mohd. Salahuddin and Mohd. Sajid
5 Impact of Brand Equity Dimensions on Brand Purchase Intention of Customers Through Social Media Networks  71
R. Ganapathi
6 A Study on Structural Relationship Between Work Related Factors of Quality of Work Life, Job Satisfaction and Performance of Employees in Small Scale Industrial Units in Kanyakumari District  77
R. Sree Devi and R. Ganapathi
7 The Recent Trend of Performance Appraisal in Private and Government Organizations 85
Budhi Sagar Mishra and Shyam Anand Jha
8 Impact of Soap Advertising and Its Effectiveness in Semi-Urban Area 99
Dr. Garima Malik
9 Evolution of TATA Consultancy Services: A Case Study 113
Prakash Vir Khatri
10 Sales Promotion and its Effect on Brand Switching Behaviour in the Indian FMCG Market 119
Ms. Rashmi & Prakash Vir Khatri
11 Role of HRD Climate in Organizational Effectiveness in Indian Organization  125
Anshul Jaiswal and A.P. Singh
12 A Study on Changing Nature of HRM- in the Era of Globalization 131
Rashi Saxena
13 Effectiveness of e-CRM in Banking Sector  136
Pravesh Kumar Mann and Ravi Kumar
14 Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Growth: An Indian Outlook 146
Nisha Rana and Aanchal Gupta


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