Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 5 No. 2, December, 2011)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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It gives us immense pleasure to have December 2011 issue of GJBM published and we owe it all to our dear academicians and scholars, whose relentless faith in with have been a great encouragement throughout. The current issue of GJBM brings forth diverse set of contemporary issues that are pertinent not only to academia and industry but for the society as well.
The first paper on organisational role stress: impact on gender and marital status throws light on organization role stress differences between men and women employees in BPO industry. The research findings indicates that gender had no influence on the experience of role stress, while marital status did impact stress experience.
The second paper on Stress, well-being and work/life balance among full-time and part-time working women has also been examined the stress, psychological well-being, and work/life balance of full-time and part-time working women that illustrate the similarities and differences between them. The findings indicated that full-time working women were found to be high on stress, and low on work/life balance than the part-time working women. However, no significant differences were found between full-time and part-time working women on their psychological well-being.
Carrying the research on stress further, the third paper is an empirical study of working stress on men and women. The result of the study shows that work stress is more on women than men.
The fourth paper very interestingly discusses the tourism and the environment. The paper pinpoints the possible hazards that tourism creates for our environment and further discusses how tourism and conservation of environment can complement each other.
The next paper deals with the issue of industrial relations and welfare activities prevailing in SAIL and RDCIS– a comprehensive analysis. Using a descriptive approach the study finds some of the reasons that contributes to greater percentage of employees being satisfied with industrial relations and welfare activities provided by the SAIL and RDCIS.
Then we have a research paper on effects of logistics outsourcing strategies on organisational productivity: a survey of selected manufacturing companies in Kenya. The research findings showed that transport outsourcing, warehousing outsourcing and information integration outsourcing affects the organisation’s productivity positively. The research recommended that the manufacturing industries in Kenya may be encouraged to outsource these services.
Due to the fact that environmental issues have gained importance in business as well as
in public life today, makes our next paper on green marketing–concepts and applications.
The world has compelled the business world to take the cognizance of green marketing in designing and developing their business models, strategies and policies. The paper suggests that Green Marketing should not be considered as just one more approach to marketing; it has to be pursued with much greater vigour as it has environmental and social dimensions to it.
Finally we have a paper globallisation–a critique that offers an elaborated critique on Globalization. It dwells deep into the process of globalization, how it is affecting us.
In the end, we would say that there are lot of takeaways in this issue which readers would surely find interesting to savour.


Editorial iii
1 Organisational Role Stress: Impact on Gender and Marital Status 1
Visalakshi Sridhar and K.N. Jayakumar
2 Stress, Well-being and Work/Life Balance among Full-time and Part-time Working Women 9
Diljot Soin
3 An Empirical Study of Working Stress on Men and Women 17
Mohit Rastogi, Naini Jain and Meenu Anand
4 Tourism and the Environment 25
T. Subhash
5 Industrial Relations and Welfare Activities Prevailing in SAIL and RDCIS – A Comprehensive Analysis 33
R. Sujatha, Rajnish Ratna, Mansi Saluja and Saniya Chawla
6 Effects of Logistics Outsourcing Strategies on Organisational Productivity: A Survey of Selected Manufacturing Companies in Kenya 51
Bichanga Walter Okibo and Lydia Kwamboka Mbura
7 Green Marketing – Concepts and Applications 71
Jagbir Singh Kadyan and Suman Kadyan
8 Globalisation – A Critique 77
Prakash Vir Khatri and Suman Yadav


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