Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 3 No. 2, December, 2009)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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It gives me immense pleasure to introduce you all to the current issue of Global Journal of Business Management (GJBM) under the flagship of Global Vision of Business, New Delhi. GJBM is an internationally renowned Journal that maintains highest ethical and technical standards of the manuscript review. All research papers submitted for publication in GJBM are thoroughly screened and selected after review from the experts of the concerned field. The current volume touches upon some of the latest research issues in Management and related fields. In total, 12 papers covering various functional areas of Management have been selected in this issue
The first paper, authored by Dr. K.K. Verma and Prakash Tiwari, is an empirical study of customers’ satisfaction in the Indian banking sector. This research paper analyzes the level of satisfaction of the customers of different public and private sector banks on the basis of 23 different parameters extracted after thorough literature review. Given the fact that Mutual fund industry has hit more than 30 million mutual fund folios covering over 400 cities and towns, the second empirical study by Dr. Vijay Kumar Kaushal and Gitanjali Upadhaya investigates the related aspects of investor behavior to understand the attitude and perception of investors towards mutual funds and is a must read for everyone. The third paper is a study conducted in Bangladesh by Dr. Md. Abu Taher, Mohammad Shahab Uddin, Mohammad Shamsuddoha, and touches upon another new but important issue in the field of Management and identifies key determinants of favourable environment for intrapreneurship development. The fourth paper by Dr. Devinder Paul delves into a new area & attempts to identify the various epistemological issues peculiar to cross-cultural research. The fifth paper on “Loyalty and Emotions” is authored by Saranjeeet Singh and seeks to determine both direct and indirect effects of relational outcomes on customer loyalty, conceptualized as a psychological state. A paper on occupational stress by Dr. Murali Krishna Panatula & Dr. Sangeetha Neriyanuri makes a fresh attempt look at stress by analyzing it amongst women entrepreneurs.
A paper on “Effectiveness of online Banking” by Dr. Rajeev Prabhakar & Purushottam Tripathi highlights issues and reasons of success of online banking system and suggests strategies that can help in making online banking system better. Next paper on “Entreprenueral Success” by Resmi Ann Thomas and Dr. T.J. Kamalanabhan from IIT Madras finds out why some entrepreneurs are more successful while others are not, by focusing on their key social skills and impression management ability. Dr. Harish Handa’s study on “Impact of Market Variables on Bond Yield” analyzes the impact of five macroeconomic factors such as USD, INR, spot rate, crude price and RBI cash balance on the bold yield gives a comparative analysis of the impact of these factors on the short-term bond yields against that of the long-term bond yields. The next paper by Dr. Neelam Dhanda and Dr. Pooja Goel studies the selection and switchover behaviour of mobile phone users. The penultimate research paper is by Dr. Naveen Kumar is on Internet banking and identifies the issues and challenges
hindering the success of the internet banking in India. In last paper, Veena Katyal and
Dr. S.K. Srivastava examines the effect of work stress and organizational support among public and private sector employees.
The 6th issue, thus, reflects a keen interest and sustained efforts of academicians and professionals who have covered such diverse themes of contemporary and future relevance. We appreciate the commitment and efforts put in by the contributors in terms of the relevance of topics, quality of contents, and the versatility in their research papers. We also wish to record our appreciation for our reviewers and readers whose insatiable desire for sharing new development in the management world.


Editorial iii
1 A Study on Customer Satisfaction in the Indian Banking Sector: An Empirical Study 1
K.K. Verma and Prakash Tiwari
2 Perception towards Mutual Funds- An Empirical Study of Chandigarh City 14
Vijay Kumar Kaushal and Gitanjali Upadhaya
3 Determinants of Key Favorable Environment for Entrepreneurship Development: An Empirical Study of Some Selected Companies in Bangladesh 27
Md. Abu Taher, Mohammad Shahab Uddin and Mohammad Shamsuddoha
4 Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Marketing Research 33
Devinder Pal Singh
5 Relational Outcomes and Customer Loyalty 43
Saranjeet Singh
6 Occupational Stress in Entrepreneurship – Stress, Strain and Coping Strategies Among Women Entrepreneurs 51
Murali Krishna Panatula and Sangeetha Neriyanuri
7 Effectiveness of Online Banking with Special Reference to the ICICI Bank 67
Rajeev Prabhakar and Purushottam Tripathi
8 A Study on Entrepreneurial Success, Role of Social Competence and Impression Management 81
Resmi Ann Thomas and T.J. Kamalanabhan
9 Impact of Market Variables on Bond Yield 95
Harish Handa
10 Selection and Switchover Behaviour of Mobile Phone Users : An Empirical Study 112
Neelam Dhanda and Pooja Goel
11 An Empirical Investigation of the Indian Customer Perceptions on Internet Banking 124
Naveen Kumar
12 Work Stress and Organizational Support Among Public and Private Sector Employees 135
Veena Katyal and S.K. Srivastava


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