Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 2 No. 2, December, 2008)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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Main objectives of this journal are to promote the best management practices in fast changing organisational environment of corporate world by devoting conceptual as well as empirical research in the field of business management as one of the key issues of the contemporary world. It integrates two or more disciplines and provide a general platform for communication and cooperation among professionals, academicians and researchers. It also aims to publish original, well-written, and self-contained research articles, short communications, and book reviews that elucidate novel research and innovation in management and organisational behaviour.
In this issue we have presented twelve articles on multiple dimension with contemporary approach. In the first article, Mr. Bahuguna and Dr. Kumari examines the role of human resources functionaries and IT department in organisational effectiveness in changing business environment. Mr. Kumar has highlighted the nature of marketing and distribution channels in bancassurances and explores the legal requirements of bancassurance in India in second article. In the third article, Dr. Kaila examines understanding and application of the concept and process of behaviour-based safety (BBS) for safety professionals and others who are concerned about correcting unsafe behaviours and promoting safe behaviours for developing injury-free culture in their organisations. Prof. Nagia and Jain have made a critical analysis of corporate governance in the context of global financial crisis in fourth article. In the fifth article, Mr. Joshi explores new approach in customer relationship management (CRM) Insurance and banking sector. Dr. Zafar, Dr. Sharma and Mr. Khalid has discussed about the implications and consequences of devaluation in US dollar and its effect on global economic crisis in sixth article.
Seventh article presented by Dr. Priya and Mr. Dalakoti focuses on democratic evaluation of e-governance and its consequences. Mr. Ramseook-Munhurrun, Mr. Naidoo and Lukea-Bhiwajee have explored both perception and expectation levels of front-line employees’ service quality and satisfaction in a call centres in eighth paper. In the ninth paper,
Prof. Ashesh and Dr. Maheshwari discuss the construction of cultural intelligence and cross-cultural issues in terms of individual level. Dr. Mishra has examined the influence of the psychological correlates and critical psychological state factor in experiencing managerial frustration in tenth paper. In the eleventh paper, Mr. Deb has focused on various aspects of an effective CSR practice involves in the value system and employees commitment. In the last article, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Kumar and Mr. Sharma illustrate the overall retail industry, its future prospects, trends and the changes as well. They also focus on the various threats and opportunities in the competitive retail market.
Editors express thanks to the contributors for their valuable contribution. Hopefully, this issue of the journal will inspire and generate interest among the educationists, researchers, policy-makers and professionals to understand the business management. We seek the feedback of readers to make the journal more effective tool in the field of business management. We express our deep sense of gratitude to all those who helped us in different ways to bring out this journal. Your valuable comments and suggestions are welcome.


Editorial iii
1 Achieving Organisational Effectiveness through Strategic Fit between Human Resources and Information Technology 1
P.C. Bahuguna and Dr. P. Kumari
2 Bancassurance: Distribution Channels and Strategies in an Emerging Market 13
Santosh Kumar
3 Behaviour Based Safety in Indian Organisations 25
Dr. H. L. Kaila
4 Corporate Governance in the Context of Global Financial Crisis–An Accountants View 35
Vinay K. Nangia and Samiksha Jain
5 CRM in Insurance: The New Way 39
Prakash Chandra Joshi
6 US Dollar’s Devaluation and its Impact on Global Economy 47
Dr. S.M. Tariq Zafar, Dr S.R. Sharma and S.M. Khalid
7 E-governance: Fast Track Democratising Tool  75
Dr. Ashutosh Priya and Chitranka Dalakoti
8 Front-line Employees’ Satisfaction in a Call Centre 91
Prabha Ramseook-Munhurrun, Perunjodi Naidoo and Soolakshna D. Lukea-Bhiwajee
9 Innovation-driven Cultural Intelligence: An Enabler in Organisation 103
Prof. Gaurav Ashesh and Dr. Sweta Maheshwari
10 Influence of the Psychological Correlates in Experiencing Managerial Frustration 113
Dr. A.K. Mishra
11 Software of Effective CSR Practice 121
Tapomoy Deb 
12 Retail Industry: Next Growth Engine for Indian Economy 129
Uday Khanna, Manish Kumar and Deependra Sharma


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