Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 2 No. 1, June, 2008)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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This journal first of its kind, imparts the necessities and latest informations of different areas of business and management. We have aimed to provide original and new areas of research. The basic core issues are highlighted inspite of delving deep into the side-ways of main research. Therefore the response of this journal is quite satisfactory and encouraging. However the present volume is a fresh attempt in this direction.
Global Journal of Business management is fully dedicated to various categories of research. The first article by Amit Gautam, focuses on failure and success of joint venture. The paper critically appraises the potentiality of joint venture as a strategy for companies to enter international markets and reasons of failures of these ventures. Accentuating the issue of motivation Shyodan Singh suggests that motivation is a key component in the organization for it success and performance. S.M. Tariq and S.R. Sharma discuss about strategic appreciation of Indian currency and its impact on Indian currency and market. Stress has emerged as a major predictor of performance. Sandeep Kumar and A.P. Singh study the effect of stress on task performance, job involvement and job satisfaction and found how stress plays a major role in performing a task. The article of Urmila Rani Srivastava and Meena Singh examine the antecedents and consequences of psychological empowerment at work place. According to Mihir Kumar Shome, globalization influences the number and kind of jobs. S.R. Khan and Probhjot Kaur has found that government executives had higher level of psychological well-being and happiness than private executives. They keenly study psychological well-being of different sector people. Saima Yousuf and Iftikhar Ahmad found the personality factors as the predictors of emotional intelligence. Ainl Kumar Kothari and Bichanga Walter Okibo discus – enterprise resource planning. Kiran Sahu and Shelley Yadav found that emotional intelligence is related to burnout among managers. This is a new concept in studying the performance level and growth of organisations. Veena Katyal has studied social distance and marital adjustment of working and non working women and found difference between these groups on the same. Discussing the challenges for Indian management education in the global context, Tauseef Ahmad and Meeta Nihalani emphasize the improvement of quality of management.
Editors express thanks to the contributors. Hope, this issue of the Journal will inspire and generate interest among researchers, educationists, psychologists, policy makers and professionals to understand the business management. We seek the feedback of readers to make the journal a more effective vehicle in the field of business management. Your valuable suggestions and comments are welcome. We express our deep sense of gratitude to all those helped us in different ways in bringing out this journal.


Editorial iii
1 Challenges for Indian Management Education in the Global Context 1
Dr. Tauseef Ahmad and Dr. Meeta Nihalani
2 Joint Ventures as Key Entry Strategy in International Markets: A Critical Assessment of Success and Failure  11
Amit Gautam
3 Strategic Appreciation of Indian Currency: Its Impact and Implications on Indian Economy 21
S.M. Tariq Zafar and S.R. Sharma
4 Stress State and its Effect on Task Performance, Job Involvement, and Job Satisfaction 39
Sandeep Kumar and A.P. Singh
5 Psychological Empowerment at Work Place 53
Urmila Rani Srivastava and Meena Singh
6 Globalization and its Impact on Human Resource Management 71
Mihir Kumar Shome
7 Psychological Well-Being: A Comparative Study of Executives of Government and Private Organizations of Jammu City 87
S.R. Khan and Probhjot Kour
8 Personality Factors as Predictors of Emotional Intelligence 93
Saima Yousuf and Iftikhar Ahmad
9 Enterprise Resource Planning: Mode of Strategic Development for Small and Medium Enterprises 105
Anil Kumar Kothari, Bichanga Walter Okibo 
10 Emotional Intelligence as Related to Burnout Among Managers 115
Kiran Sahu and Shelley Yadav
11 A Study of Social Distance and Marital Adjustment of Working and Non-Working Women 125
Veena Katyal
12 Sex Difference in Intelligence Among Working Adults 133
Deepti Hooda, Nov Rattan Sharma, Amrita Yadava


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