Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 18, No. 2, December 2024)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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It gives us immense pleasure to present 18th Volume of December 2024 issue of Global Journal of Business Management. We owe this edition to the hard work of our academicians and researchers. Research paper submissions to GJBM are screened and peer-reviewed to maintain highest ethical and technical standards. The present issue touches upon some of the current issues in business management and its related fields. Six papers of this issue covering various functional areas of management and its allied subjects have been rigorously selected to publish in this issue.
The first paper of Prof. Selvarasu examines the strategies adopted by Indian start-ups and established BSE-listed companies to achieve sustainable industrialization, leveraging the TBL framework encompassing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. It highlights the role of sustainability indices in evaluating corporate performance and sectoral trends.
In the second paper, Dr. Mayilsamy and Vishal explores the role of RBI’s in controlling and regulating the money market for maintaining economic stability through its monetary policy tools, liquidity management practices, and regulatory oversight. By influencing interest rates, managing liquidity, and stabilizing the financial system, the RBI helps foster an environment conducive to economic growth, development, while preventing inflationary pressures and promoting financial stability.
The third paper of Dr. Verma and Saji explores the factors influencing the disclosure of intellectual capital within the Indian healthcare sector and identifies the impact of intellectual capital disclosure for the profitability of healthcare in India. Its findings revealed that the size, liquidity, return on asset and institutional share shows a negative relationship with intellectual capital disclosures while leverage shows a positive but insignificant effect on intellectual capital disclosures.
In the fourth paper, Dr. Sharma, Ms. Singla and Mr. Ali explores critical elements of the effectiveness of Indian scheduled commercial banks from 2014 to 2021 and their profitability and implications for public sector and private the banking sector. The study incorporates descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and panel regression jointly to get better and more meaningful results.
The fifth paper of Dr. Dam and Dr. Sinha investigates the role of New Education Policy 2020 in promoting vocational commerce and management education at the undergraduate level in Tripura. Its findings suggest that commerce education in the state is underutilized, largely due to limited job opportunities in secondary schools and a lack of business ventures which leads to inadequate enrolment at the undergraduate level.
The sixth paper of Ms. Bisan, Mr. Alzaanin and Dr. Ansari sheds light on the transformational and transactional leadership styles affecting innovation and performance of SMEs UAE. This study used descriptive analysis including mean, standard deviation, frequency, inferential analysis to test the hypothesis, and the relationship between variables as well as the correlation.
The journal provides a platform for empirical research, comprehensive critical reviews, and intervention-oriented articles in the field of business management, as well as for application in a wide range of contexts. The editors extend their gratitude to all authors for their contributions, as well as to the referees and editorial board members for their valuable feedback and suggestions. We hope that our readers will be benefited from the knowledge so generated. We look forward to the continuous support of our contributors and reviewers, and invite papers, recommendations and discussions for further issues.

Editorial (iii)
1 TBL Strategies of BSE and Startup Companies for Sustainable Industrialization 1
Selvarasu A.
2 Role of RBI in Money Market Control- A Study 25
Dr. C. Mayilsamy and KS.Vishal
3 Factors Affecting the Intellectual Capital Disclosures in the  31
Dr. Ruchita Verma and Mr. Sneha Saji
4 Determinants of Profitability of Indian Commercial Banks 45
Dr. Dhanraj Sharma, Ms. Priya Singla and Mr. Mohd. Ali
5 New Education Policy 2020 and its Role in Promoting Vocational Commerce Education in Tripura, India 53
Supriya Dam and Karnika Sinha
6 Impact of Leadership Styles, Employees’ Performance, and Innovation: A Critical Study of SMEs of the UAE 67
Ms. Bisan A. A. Alzaanin and Dr. Amirul Hasan Ansari


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