Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 13 No. 2, December, 2019)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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Global Journal of Business Management is an internationally renowned peer reviewed & refereed journal that provides a platform for researchers/ professionals to publish their high quality research papers in management and allied disciplines. Research paper submissions to GJBM are screened and peer-reviewed to maintain highest ethical and technical standards. It gives us immense pleasure to present Vol. 13, No. 2 Dec. 2019 issue of Global Journal of Business Management. We owe this edition to the hard work of our academicians and researchers. The present issue touches upon some of the current issues in business management and its related fields. Ten papers of this issue covering various functional areas of management have been rigorously selected.
The 1st paper of Said Salim Ali has explored the experience of work-life balance among the academic staff in Higher Education Institutions in Zanzibar. In the 2nd paper, Dr. Sami examines the impact of non-performing assets on the profitability of Banks in Kerala. In the 3rd paper, Dr. Pallabi Mishra has discussed the causes of the downfall of Khadi as a product, as a brand and as a way of life. Knowledge management techniques with orientation of employee’s capability building is explored by Dr. Budhi Sagar Mishra in the 4th paper. The 5th paper of Prof. Puneet Rai discusses on the reasons for delayed internationalization of Walmart. It also explores various challenges faced by Walmart in different countries and its impact on Global Expansion. Role, responsibility and liability of independent directors has been discussed in the 6th paper of J.S. Kadyan and Suman Kadyan. In the 7th paper, Dr. Ranjan Upadhyaya the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in information era. In the 8th paper, Poonam Sharma discusses the role of branding in destination marketing strategies of the state and its emotional relationship with the consumer. Coping styles from stressful situation of working women teachers of Higher in Jammu is discussed by Arti Bakhshi and Pallavi Sachdeva in the 9th paper and the last paper makes an endeavour to think about the patterns of Gross NPA, Net NPA, the effect of NPAs and the on-going estimates taken by the government to diminish the NPAs.
All the papers report a plethora of findings that should be of interest to researchers. We are grateful to all contributors and reviewers for their valuable inputs. We hope that our readers will be benefited from the knowledge so generated. We look forward to the continuous support of our contributors and reviewers, and invite papers, recommendations and discussions for further issues.


1 An Experience of Work-Life Balance among Academic Staff in Higher Education Institution Zanzibar 1
Said Salim Ali
2 Impact of Non-performing Assets on the Profitability of Banks in Kerala 11
Sumi. KV
3 The Gandhian Charkha: From Sunset to sunrise 16
Pallabi Mishra
4 A Pragmatic Study on Knowledge Management Techniques with Orientation of Employee’s Capability Building 27
Budhi Sagar Mishra
5 Internationalization Challenges: Insights from Wal-Mart’s Global Expansion 38
Puneet Rai
6 Role, Responsibility and Liability of Independent Directors  44
Jagbir Singh Kadyan and Suman Kadyan
7 The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Information Era 53
Ranjan Upadhyaya
8 Destination Branding Strategy: A Case Study of Madhya Pradesh 61
Poonam Sharma
9 Study of Stress and Coping Styles of Working Women (Higher Education Teachers) of Jammu (J&K) 74
Arti Bakhshi and Pallavi Sachdeva
10 An Analytical Study of Non-performing Assets (NPA) of Commercial Banks in India  80
Ombir Singh and Solmaz Husain


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