Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 12 No. 1, June, 2018)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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Global Journal of Business Management is an internationally renowned peer reviewed & refereed journal that provides a platform for researchers/ professionals to publish their high quality research papers in management and allied disciplines. Research paper submissions to GJBM are screened and peer-reviewed to maintain highest ethical and technical standards. It gives us immense pleasure to present Vol. 12, No. 1 June 2018 issue of Global Journal of Business Management. We owe this edition to the hard work of our academicians and researchers. The present issue touches upon some of the current issues in business management and its related fields. In this issue, twelve papers covering various functional areas of management have been rigorously selected.
The first paper of John E. Chikwe evaluates the psychological perspectives of decision-making and techniques in relation to decision-making skill building strategy and probability of success. The second paper of Dr. Thumpa Dey explores the attitude of workers, managers and trade union leaders towards the HR practices and the union management relationship. The third paper of Said Salim Ali investigates the current status of decent work practices in the hotel industry, specifically in Stone Town, Zanzibar. The fourth paper of Shamsun Arefin & Zoinul Abedin Sakil evaluates the effects of the internal audit function on the quality of corporate governance in the context of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) listed companies in Bangladesh. The fifth paper of Shiva kumara K. & Dr. K.S. Sarala finds out the inter-relationships between doctors and management perception in customer satisfaction in private hospital in Karnataka. The sixth paper of Dr. Rashmita Sahoo examines the relationships between corporate governance and the investment decision of small business firms in India. The Market performance of Fem hair removal cream and bleach in Guwahati Region is explored in the seventh paper of Prashant Pareek and Yash Pareek in seventh paper. In eighth paper, S. Kulothunga Pandian has made an attempt to analyse the socio-economic conditions influencing investors’ perception towards mutual fund investment. The ninth paper of Ruchi Malik examines customer evaluations for brand extensions of Vivel and Head & Shoulders for the hypothetical brand extensions that clearly depicts the role of eight variables. In tenth paper, Saurabh Pandey has examined taxation problems in India with the growth of e-commerce and suggested proper tax regulations to overcome this issue. The fundamental concepts of strategy development are critically examined by John E. Chikwe in the eleventh paper. The last paper of Dr. P.V. Khatri explores the measurement of corporate social responsibility.
All the papers report a plethora of findings that should be of interest to researchers. We are grateful to all contributors and reviewers for their valuable inputs. We hope that our readers will be benefited from the knowledge so generated. We look forward to the continuous support of our contributors and reviewers, and invite papers, recommendations and discussions for further issues.


Editorial iii
1 Decision-making Feasibility and Techniques: A Psychological and Strategic Evaluation Imperatives 1
John E. Chikwe
2 Union and Organizational Commitment: Are the two linked? 13
Dr. Tumpa Dey
3 Decent Work in Hotel Industry in Zanzibar: Practices, Possibility and Challenges. A Case of Hotel Industry in Stone Town Zanzibar 21
Said Salim Ali
4 Promoting Good Corporate Governance and Business Sustainability through Effective Internal Audit Functions –A Study on Listed Companies in Bangladesh  38
Shamsun Arefin and Zoinul Abedin Sakil
5 Doctors and Management Perception in Customer Relationship Management builds to Customer Satisfaction in Hospital Services 50
Shivakumara K. & Dr. K.S. Sarala
6 Corporate Governance and Investment Decision of Small Business Firms: Special Reference to India 64
Dr. Rashmita Sahoo
7 A Live Study on Market Performance of Fem Hair Removal Cream & Bleach in Guwahati Region  73
Prashant Pareek and Yash Pareek
8 Investors’ Perception towards Mutual Fund Investment– A Study with Special Reference to Socio-Economic Conditions  86
S. Kulothunga Pandian
9 Customer Evaluation of Brand Extensions 104
Ruchi Malik
10 Study the Growth of E-commerce and Problem of Taxation on E-commerce in India 113
Saurabh Pandey
11 Fundamental Concepts of Strategy Development: A Critical Examination 125
John E. Chikwe
12 Measurement of Corporate Social Responsibility 140
P.V. Khatri


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