Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 11 No. 2, December, 2017)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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Global Journal of Business Management is an internationally renowned peer reviewed & refereed journal that provides a platform for researchers/ professionals to publish their high quality research papers in management and allied disciplines. Research paper submissions to GJBM are screened and peer-reviewed to maintain highest ethical and technical standards.
It gives us immense pleasure to present Vol. 11, No. 2 December 2017 issue of Global Journal of Business Management. We owe this edition to the hard work of our academicians and researchers. The present issue touches upon some of the current issues in business management and its related fields. Eight papers covering various functional areas of management have been rigorously selected.
The first paper of Dr. Mishra evaluates the value of implementations of performance appraisal system in some selected public and private sector organizations. The core concepts of this paper is to help in admiring the employees work capacity, attitudes, culture, involvement, and decide employee’s carrier growth. The second paper authored by Mr. Girish and Dr. Nagaraj is an empirical investigation of implied volatility of Indian Stock Markets on commodity and Foreign Exchange Markets. This paper reveals unidirectional causality running from implied volatility to forex market and there was no evidence of volatility spill over from implied volatility to forex and commodity markets. The third paper of Mrs. Sumi examines an impact of GST on Indian Telecommunication Sector. This paper attempts to seek GST issues for the telecom sector, taken into consideration by the government, to ensure that the same are adequately addressed. The fourth paper of Mr. Manivannan and Dr. Joseph is a study on factors affecting buying behaviour of owners for residential flats in Tamil Nadu. Main factors of buying behaviour deals in this paper are the affordability, attractiveness, promotion and convenience that attract buyers to become owners for residential flats. The fifth paper contributed by Mr. Gandhi & Mr. Pandian deals with the rural customers’ awareness towards upgraded services of commercial banks in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. It also highlights the problems faced by the rural customers in knowing the upgraded services offered by the banks in rural areas. The sixth paper authored by Mr. Pandit examines an impact of consumer demographic and product characteristic on purchase behaviour towards Fmcg sector in Punjab. This paper also focuses on the consumer characteristics (such as age, gender, family size, income level, education level, family type, and behavioural characteristics such as product usage, benefit sought, reason for purchase, life style, sources of purchase) on purchase decisions. The seventh paper authored by Mr. Vijay Kumar examines Corporate Social Responsibility in the Indian Context. In the last paper, Dr. Dixit examines the causes of job satisfaction among the employees and the steps taken by RBI to create feeling of job-satisfaction in executives.
All the papers report a plethora of findings that should be of interest to researchers. We are grateful to all contributors and reviewers for their valuable inputs. We hope that our readers shall benefit from the knowledge so generated. We look forward to the continuous support of our authors and patrons, and invite recommendations and discussions for further issues.


Editorial iii
1 An Overview on Employees Performance Appraisal and Industrial Administration 1
Dr. Budhi Sagar Mishra
2 Impact of Implied Volatility of Indian Stock Markets on Commodity and Foreign Exchange Markets in India: An Empirical Investigation 21
Girish. B.N and Dr. Nagaraj. H
3 Impact of GST on Indian Telecommunication Sector 35
Sumi. K.V
4 A Study on Factors Affecting Buying Behaviour of Owners for Residential Flats in Tamil Nadu State 41
Mr. K. T. Manivannan and Dr. T. Joseph
5 Rural Customers’ Awareness towards Upgraded Services of Commercial Banks in Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu, India 47
Mr. M. Rajeev Gandhi Mr. S. Kulothunga Pandian
6 Impact of Comsumer Demographic and Product Characteristic on Purchase Behavior Towards FMCG Sector: A Syudy in Punjab 57
Anirudh Pandit
7 A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Indian Context 67
Vijay Kumar
8 A Study on Job Satisfaction Level of Employees in RBI at Kanpur 77
Dr. Akhilesh Dixit


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