Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 11 No. 1, June, 2017)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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It is a matter of great pleasure to present the 11th volume June 2017 issue Global Journal of Business Management to you all. The Global Journal of Business Management focuses on to develop theories which can be applied to actual dynamic business situations. With a deep understanding of complex relationship amongst various business activities GJBM analyses the intricacies of business processes, decisions and challenges. Our researchers put rigorous efforts in doing their research and our journal provides them an opportunity to publish their papers which are helpful to academician, industry, entrepreneurs and research scholars to apply empirical research to practical scenario and theoretical results to the reality in business situations. It publishes original peer-reviewed analyses that span the field of business research across all its subfields and disciplines and all levels of analysis. Research paper submitted to GJBM is screened in detail and peer-reviewed to maintain highest ethical and technical standards.
The present volume includes eight research papers covering current business areas. The first article is an empirical study on Banker’s perspective on Performance Evaluation of Bancassurance by N. Santosh Ranganath and Dr. G. Tulasi Rao. This paper focuses on that by applying bancassurance effectively can help the banks to develop a sales culture within the organization. The paper is an attempt to evaluate the performance of bancassurance from the bankers point of view taken into account various business related parameters.
The second article authored by Aanchal Singhal and Dr. Bindu Arora is a case study of an NGO ‘Pahal’ working in Uttarakhand to find a solution to problem of poverty through microfinance. The study explores the possibilities that how can microfinance can be a crucial element of an effective poverty reduction strategy. The main focus of this paper is how to shift the focus from mere financial access to poverty eradication and people’s empowerment and shift the ‘performance’ of Microfinance Institutions (MFI’s) from their popularity.
The third paper is a study of literature review on a Cultural Perspective on Wisdom and Leadership by Prof. (Dr.) Tumpa Dey. The paper is an attempt to seeks a comparison between the understanding of wisdom and leadership literatures taking into account both the eastern and western concepts of wisdom.
The next paper is on Greening of Textile Industries through Public and Private Governance with special emphasis on garment industry in Bangladesh by Sadia Naureen Huq and Iftekhar Ul Karim. Primarily the research looks into the most important environmental problem of readymade garments in Bangladesh. The current government legislation and its effectiveness and what could be the role of other actors to make the value chain environmentally sustainable.
The fifth paper is a case study of Kerela as a Digitized Economy by Sumi. K.V. The paper focuses on the government’s vision to turn Kerala into a digital knowledge society with sustainable economic growth through its proactive measures. These initiatives were analysed to see their potential to achieve social harmony and high quality of life for all, with the inclusion of the disadvantaged sections of society.
The sixth paper Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders reaction is a survey on impact of CSR on firms’ performance in Gujarat by Dr. Nilam Panchal. This study is an attempt to obtain information about the impact of CSR activities on performance, both financial and non-financial of an organization.
The seventh paper is on Impact of BRICS as an Emerging Trading Bloc on India’s Trade by Dr. Khujan Singh and Anil Kumar. This study tried to test the impact of BRICS as an emerging trade bloc on India’s export and imports to Brazil, China, Russia, and South Africa.
The last paper on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Free Market Economy of Dr. P.V. Khatri examines the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) that involves a balance between economic and social aspects.
All the papers report a plethora of findings that should be of interest to researchers. We are grateful to all authors and reviewers for their valuable inputs. The journal sets a preference for innovative and comprehensive reports and all modes of research are welcome experimental, observational, case studies, textual, interpretive, and survey. We hope that our readers shall benefit from the knowledge so generated. We look forward to the continuous support of our authors and patrons, and invite recommendations and discussions for further issues.


Editorial iii
1 Performance Evaluation of Bancassurance –An Empirical Study on Bankers’ Perspective 1
N. Santosh Ranganath and Dr. G. Tulasi Rao
2 Looking Beyond Income Poverty through Microfinance (Case Study of PAHAL an NGO in Uttarakhand) 11
Aanchal Singhal & Dr. Bindu Arora
3 A Cultural perspective on Wisdom and Leadership – A Literature Review 17
Prof. (Dr.) Tumpa Dey
4 Greening of Textile Industries through Public and Private Governance: An Explorative Research on the Garment Industry in Bangladesh 29
Sadia Naureen Huq and Iftekhar Ul Karim, 
5 Digitized Economy — with Special Reference to Kerala 59
Sumi. K.V.
6 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Stakeholder’s Reaction: A Survey on Impact of CSR on Firm Performance in Gujarat  65
Dr. Nilam Panchal
7 Impact of BRICS as a Emerging Trading Bloc on India’s Trade 73
Dr. Khujan Singh and Anil Kumar
8 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Free Market Economy 87
Dr. P.V. Khatri


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