Global Vision Publishing House


Global Journal of Business Management (Vol. 10 No. 2, December, 2016)

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Copyright  : Global Vision Publishing House. All Rights Reserved 
Editors : Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari & Dr. P.V. Khatri
Frequency : Bi-annual
Reg No. : DELENG15963/29/1/2007-TC
ISSN : 0973-8533
Published By : Global Vision Publishing House
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It gives us immense pleasure to present vol. 10 no. 6, Dec. 2016 of Global Journal of Business Management. GJBM is an internationally renowned peer-reviewed and refereed journal. It provides a platform for researchers to publish their high quality research in Management and allied disciplines. Research paper submissions to GJBM are screened and peer-reviewed to maintain highest ethical and technical standards.
The present volume touches upon some of the current issues in management, business and related fields. Ten papers covering various functional areas of management have been selected. In first paper Dr. Sabnam Jahan and Md. Mamin Ullah explores the roles of HR Professionals in green human resource management. The key concepts, functions, practices and challenges of green human resources management are also identified. Second paper of Ronald J. Burke and others have investigated the relationship of perceived supervisor empowerment behaviors with employee feelings of psychological empowerment, important work outcomes, and self-reported assessments of service quality among front line service workers in five star hotels in Turkey. Green HRM practices in selected manufacturing industrial units of Udaipur region is explored in third paper of Meera Mathur and Aparna Soni.
In fourth paper, Dr. Malik and Oberoi evaluates the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction amongst various online shoppers using multiple regression analysis of variance and coefficient of covariance. In fifth paper, Prof. (Dr.) Tumpa Dey examines the role of harmonious passion as a novel motivational mechanism affecting creativity and the mediational role of work engagement in a relationship between harmonious passion and creativity in a supportive environment. In sixth paper Dr. Ganesan and Banerjee have measured by using Aggression and Victimization scales among the formative year’s school children and find out that the level of aggression and victimization among the school children is reduced. Transition to digitised consumer behaviour is examined by Sumi. KV in seventh paper In eighth paper Dr. Pulla Rao analyzes the trends in the growth of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools by management in in Andhra Pradesh. The nineth paper of Dr. Mishra explores HRD Execution of Governance; Concerning Disaster Management and the last paper of Dr. Khatri and Ravi Kumar studies Consumer Perception on Prevalence of Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Product Quality.
All the papers report a plethora of findings that should be of interest to researchers, teachers and professionals. We are grateful to all authors and reviewers for their valuable inputs. We hope that our readers shall benefit from the knowledge so generated. We look forward to the continuous support of our authors and patrons, and invite recommendations and discussions for further issues.


Editorial iii
1 The Emerging Roles of HR Professionals: Green Human Resources Management (Green HRM) Perspective 1
Sabnam Jahan and Md. Mamin Ullah
2 Supervisory Empowerment Behaviors, Psychological Empowerment and Work Outcomes among Front-line Service Employees in Five-star Turkish Hotel: A Replication 25
Ronald J. Burke, Mustafa Koyuncu, Jacob Wolpin, Sevket Yirik and Kadife Koyuncu
3 A Study on Green Human Resource Management Practices in Selected Manufacturing Industrial Units of Udaipur Region 41
Meera Mathur and Aparna Soni
4 Impact of Service Quality on Consumer Perception with Reference to Multi E-Retailers 55
Garima Malik and Manpreet Kaur Oberoi
5 Employee Creativity: The Role of Harmonious Passion in a Supportive Context (Supervisory and Co-worker Support) 71
Prof. (Dr.) Tumpa Dey
6 Management of Aggression and Victimization Among Formative Year’s School Children 91
Rajesh Ganesan and Moon Banerjee
7 Transition to Digitised Consumer Behaviour 99
Sumi. KV
8 Trends in the Growth of Schools by Management in Andhra Pradesh 105
Dr. D. Pulla Rao
9  HRD Execution of Governance; Concerning Disaster Management 121
Dr. Budhi Sagar Mishra
10 A Study of Consumer Perception on Prevalence of Unfair Trade Practices Relating to Product Quality 130
Dr. P.V Khatri and Ravi Kumar  


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