Global Vision Publishing House


Environmental Education and Training: Trend, Tradition and Transformation

Original price was: ₹2,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,450.00.

Author : M.A. Chaudhary & S.M. Tripathi
ISBN : 978-81-8220-975-6
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2018
Pages : 312
Size : 19×24 Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 2,500


About the Book

Environmental education and training is a relatively young, dynamic and immensely complex field for study and interpretation. Indeed it concerns itself with learning and training relating to complex issues that defies human understanding. It is a field characterized by a paradox: Few would doubt the urgency and importance of learning to live in sustainable ways of conserving the world natural resources and taking care of the earth today so that future generations may not only meet their own needs, but also enjoy life on our planet. Yet environmental education and training hold nowhere near the priority position in formal education and training programmes around the world.

This revised edition attempts to unravel some of the causes of and tensions in this paradoxical situation to explore the complexities of the subject matter of the field; to explain what is actually happening in the world of environmental education at the close of twentieth century; and to consider aspects of the field’s priorities and potentials as we have entered the twenty-first century. The usefulness of this edition is also reflected in its guideline principles out lining the framework and up-to-date account of environmental education and training in the Asian perspective.

About the Authors

M.A. Chaudhary, a noted freelance writer and editor, received his education from Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. He worked for ten years as a journalist and editor in several newspapers and journals published from Patna. He also taught Economics for two years in R.S.P. College Patna. Presently, he is doing freelance editing and writing. This academics professionalism brings out a style synthesis in all his works. Therefore his approach in dealing with complex matters has been very simple but powerful. He is always praised for this unique style in the publishing sector. His writings are unique and very effective, for which he is praised. This book is also proved to be excellent and effective.

S.M. Tripathi, former Professor of Economics, Agra University, Agra (UP), is an eminent scholar of environment economics. He has written several books and research papers of international repute on this subject. Presently, he is associated with several research institutes as a visiting professor.


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