Global Vision Publishing House


Encyclopaedic Historiography of the Muslim World (3 Volume Set)

Original price was: ₹9,000.00.Current price is: ₹8,950.00.

Author : N.K. Singh & A. Samiuddin
ISBN : 978-81-8220-885-8
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2021
Size : 22×28.5 Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 9,000


About the Book

The present edition is recompilation of exhaustive historiographical description of approximately 360 Muslim Historians and more than 100 Historical works from the early Islamic history to contemporary Muslim World in 3 Volumes. This edition having information about Muslim Historians all over the world and their splendid works on glorious Muslim periods becomes an invaluable reference book for the scholars as well as the general readers. There can be no doubt that a new and thorough study of the Muslim historiographers and their works is a great scientific need felt by all the scholars working in this field. The names of historians and their historical works of different countries all over the world are redesigned in alphabetically in this Encyclopaedia enabling the reader to search the entries easily. The task which we have performed in this edition is, no doubt, beset with difficulties but we shall consider our labour amply rewarded if this edition is found useful by scholars interested in Islamic history. This new edition would be an asset for all Libraries. We are grateful to all those scholars whose contributions have been included in this monumental work.

About the Editors

N.K. Singh has specialised himself in oriental studies and produced a number of important books and research papers in national and international journals. He has also edited Encyclopaedia of the Holy Qur’ân in 5 Vols, Encyclopaedia of the World Muslims in 4 Vols., and Encyclopaedia of the Muslim Biography in 5 Vols., etc. He is the Director of International Centre for Religious Studies, Delhi and Chief Editor of Global Religious Vision— a quarterly Research Journal.

Samiuddin is an eminent scholar and journalist. She did M.A. in History and Urdu literature from Patna University, Patna. She has contributed a number of research articles in journals and newspapers of national repute. She had worked in Urdu Academy, Patna for two years. Presently, she is doing freelance journalism and associated with some important newspapers and NGOs


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